Wednesday, August 29, 2007

VALY - BIA TU (Khorasani/Afghanistani music)

Duration: 04:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-06 00:41:41
User: Khorasanian1
:::: Favorites

Bia Tu, by Valy, a new and up and coming singer. Originally a Tajik from Herat, Afghanistan (Khorasan). His new album is coming up! Afghanistani music. Farsi music. Khorasanian music. Tajik music. Persian music. farsi dari parsi tajiki persian tajik irani iranian iran tajikistan afghanistan tajikistani afghanistani hazara hazaragi kabul herat balkh panjshir mazar mazarai sharif badakhshan tajiks kabuli herati mazari mashhad shiraz yazd ghor ghazni nishapur merv merw shiraz tehran dushanbe samarkand bukhara bukhara khorasani khorasan khorasanian music song video clip album live concert singing singer kurd kurdish kurdistan valy bia tu

MINTONe666 ::: Favorites
mmmm boy is cute.. I LOVE HIM!!! <3 :)))
07-08-22 05:54:27
khor astii? she is so pretty-
07-08-22 08:47:56
Zamzama568 ::: Favorites
i love this song nd my mom 2 likes 2 haha lol
07-08-22 12:23:55
Noori777 ::: Favorites
thanks for your commen :-)
07-08-24 10:32:06
MagisterHamid ::: Favorites
That's the stupidest thing I've heard. You obviously don't know a shit. There is nothing called "afghanistanai". Stop this nonsense.
07-08-25 05:29:17
paryan7 ::: Favorites
hahahahhaa, You are damn right Afghanistan is like as we say "Yak anar sad bemar" the smartest way to live with a healthy future and prosperous life stick together
07-08-26 03:31:44
xpopopopx ::: Favorites
Pretty hip material. I like the english pimp daddy talk. nice video look.
07-08-26 04:35:21
Afghpride206 ::: Favorites
this song is a pretty damn bomb songg. PROPS TO VALY<3 but wtf do you guys care so much about wtfck is tajik,heraty,khandari, uzbacki or whatever the hell. wtf, we`re all from AFGHANiSTAN & WE SHOULD BE FUCKING PROUD ! IF WE WANNA MAKE AFGHANISTAN A BETTER PLACE, THEN GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER, AND STOP THIS SHIT!!
07-08-26 17:26:00
kayaklarnet ::: Favorites
07-08-26 18:21:04
afgsniper1shot2kills ::: Favorites
check 9264, you love jesus good for you but what the fuck dose that have to do with this video you fuckin moron, and your in the wrong page kidd, don't get your ass kicked in here. shot
07-08-28 14:54:25

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