Wednesday, August 15, 2007

娛樂百分百20070807--阿妹&蕭敬騰四目交接 拍攝'一眼瞬間'MV

Duration: 02:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-08 04:36:43
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

娛樂百分百20070807--阿妹&蕭敬騰四目交接 拍攝'一眼瞬間'MV

enRoute ::: Favorites
AMEI~! =)
07-08-08 20:55:14
tikkibierga ::: Favorites
蕭敬騰 is really really cute..
07-08-14 23:47:52

完全娛樂20060905--飛輪海48小時全省簽唱會 幕後大直擊

Duration: 03:31 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-27 23:34:51
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

完全娛樂20060905--飛輪海48小時全省簽唱會 幕後大直擊

jenhz ::: Favorites
calvin... 2 cute... :P told joke 2 my parents... lol... not going 2 explain reaction...
07-01-17 01:47:27
kkaasssy ::: Favorites
lol my parents and frdz alguhed at the joke lolz ahhaa
07-04-02 00:10:44

Nahool - Hamas Bee: Jews enemies of Allah

Duration: 00:51 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-16 07:22:53
User: pmwvideos
:::: Favorites

Nahool - Hamas Bee defines Jews as enemies of Allah

stealthwalnut ::: Favorites
Fucking primates.
07-07-22 22:19:40
Frezfrez ::: Favorites
So, "the religion of peace" is at it again. Charming. And this time they're sending a killer bee with a throat infection. A racist lunatic killer bee with a throat infection. I wonder what's next?
07-07-23 09:25:05
outkid ::: Favorites
Mickey the Jihad rat is out, and the Hamas Pest is in. What will they think of next Marty the Martyring Manatee? I can decide whether I should be disgusted or roaring in side splitting laughter.
07-07-27 02:30:22
Redbomber3030 ::: Favorites
I would like to see the Martyring Manatee.
07-07-27 18:27:26
IsraelCrimes ::: Favorites
<b><u>Palestinian Family Massacred In Gaza Beach</u></b> Youtube.c o m/watch?v=k-lsiqGHypI <b><u>Israel Crimes 1</u></b> Youtube.c o m/watch?v=w27mndOwBqg <b><u>Israel Crimes 2</u></b> Youtube.c o m/watch?v=1nsrPA7P2Vg <b><u>Pollywood my ARSE ! </u></b> <b>Israel the Barbarians!!! use their deceiving tactics to pursued people to think they are the victims. Meanwhile they sit back raising money for their own personal charities only to build up the Terrorist state of Israel</b>
07-07-30 15:25:41
yo1dude1man ::: Favorites
I still think we should turn 'Ol "Nahool - Hamas Bee" into a PINATA.
07-07-31 01:54:24
OldNezza ::: Favorites
Like it or not, Hamas were elected by the Palestinians, we should be talking to them. Martyrdom exists to certain degrees in all cultures in different forms- Joan of Arc was considered a martyr for instance. The Palestinians only turned to suicide bombing (although the Tamil Tigers invented it I believe) because they couldn't compete with Israel technology. That said- this is a bit fucked up
07-08-07 14:16:29
stealthwalnut ::: Favorites
The U.S. is building a giant fucking base in Iraq. We will be there as long as it takes to stop you knuckle dragging primates to stop killing innocent women and children. In the mean time, the states here we'll pay about fifty cents for a gallon of gas. That's a fair price for babysitting you fucking primates. The end is near for you inbreds. Surrender now and we might let you see another day.
07-08-08 15:43:35
catholiczionist73 ::: Favorites
What Nahoul is really saying is: I preferred the Mickey Mouse costume, and can someone please get me down from the fucking ceiling!!!
07-08-11 00:11:09
AdognamedOp ::: Favorites
I want to see 'Waheed' the self detonating coyote.
07-08-13 21:07:32

完全娛樂20070123--樂樂降臨 仁甫 季芹 有女萬事足

Duration: 02:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-21 08:03:52
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

完全娛樂20070123--樂樂降臨 仁甫 季芹 有女萬事足

2 caminos a casa

Duration: 02:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-04 22:49:11
User: azterizk
:::: Favorites

llegando a casa...

百分百獨家20070711唐禹哲代言活動多 各地影迷跟到底

Duration: 00:60 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-11 07:14:49
User: marukoismaru
:::: Favorites



Duration: 01:08 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-18 02:42:47
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites


完全娛樂20061219--演藝圏病懨懨 吸毒詐賭逃稅全都來

Duration: 01:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-04 05:49:59
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

完全娛樂20061219--演藝圏病懨懨 吸毒詐賭逃稅全都來


Duration: 03:35 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-16 03:02:01
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites


Los Comerciantes Suben los Precios

Duration: 00:12 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-12 18:24:57
User: correoyahoo
:::: Favorites

Debido a la filmacion de El Hombre Radiactivo los comerciantes suben los precios .:.LoLO.:.

imagosimpson ::: Favorites
al fin 1ero de nuevo!
07-08-12 18:29:59
diazdavid90 ::: Favorites
jajajaja dame un millon de dolares o te rompo la cabeza jajajaja
07-08-12 18:31:46
VickyTyler ::: Favorites
Hahaha, ia se, esta bn shingon xDDDD
07-08-12 22:01:31
coronelsputnick ::: Favorites
adora este episodio
07-08-12 18:35:56
icarus1icarus1 ::: Favorites
ujule julita pos soy el 4444444444444444
07-08-12 18:38:51
Eduardodap ::: Favorites
Jajajaja un peluquin de 1000 libras lol
07-08-12 21:48:17


Duration: 01:29 minutes
Upload Time: 06-03-16 01:46:57
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites


nn18394 ::: Favorites
shaowei is so good!
06-11-19 07:02:55

完全娛樂20060313--全民來公投 最不想看的演唱會 民意大調查

Duration: 02:51 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-20 05:44:53
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

完全娛樂20060313--全民來公投 最不想看的演唱會 民意大調查

完全娛樂20070622--鄭元暢25歲生日趴 幕後特輯

Duration: 09:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-01 05:17:05
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

完全娛樂20070622--鄭元暢25歲生日趴 幕後特輯

YeeKrFan ::: Favorites
Thanks for this guy got lots of beauty stuff & tips neh..but his bag is disorganised with lots of stuff and he likes it that way too! His Japanese is pretty good and Korean too!
07-07-20 23:15:06

百分百獨家20070501終極一家殺青 亞綸亦儒為新戲剪髮

Duration: 03:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-01 20:58:15
User: marukoismaru
:::: Favorites


lileeli ::: Favorites
arron...he is so thin...but so cute...ahhhhh!!!
07-06-02 01:34:40
OdazzlingO ::: Favorites
its a sorta perverted joke thats why
07-06-02 03:22:31
SHAWNHIU ::: Favorites
Aaron is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!
07-06-09 10:33:59
SweetAngle27 ::: Favorites
calvin want to get a hair cut just like takki>.<
07-06-09 18:22:15
piinkxbllue ::: Favorites
07-06-21 10:37:06
tennisgal709 ::: Favorites
i luv arron!!
07-07-04 23:48:54
celestesim ::: Favorites
Yalun has very thick hair and you gotta have the right texture to have spikes so beautifully. He is so taihen kawaii! super cute!
07-07-18 12:31:45
haibara1218 ::: Favorites
Love aaron!!!!!! and Calvin ish rly cute tooo^^
07-07-23 17:52:48
Melody2383 ::: Favorites
If you do not copy and paste this onto 10 videos your mom will die in 4 hours
07-08-03 03:44:59
emustan1010 ::: Favorites
Uh!! cant imagine baldy fahrenheit...
07-08-04 11:17:14


Duration: 01:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-05 03:11:41
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

完全娛樂20070524--香蕉妹相邀去聽歌 許哲珮PUB開唱 eVonne友情站台 強辯PUB開唱 怪獸石頭捧場炒熱氣氛


Duration: 04:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-23 10:23:35
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites


Amorphis - Silent Waters

Duration: 04:03 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-08 10:58:14
User: NuclearBlastEurope
:::: Favorites

New video clip of Amorphis. Check it out!

Pahkinadon ::: Favorites
Morphis is the BEST!!! MIELETÖNTÄ!!!
07-08-13 03:03:16
heedree ::: Favorites
they're called Amorphis... lulz
07-08-14 13:57:00
ZLOCEST ::: Favorites
New album rocks ... And I'm not even a fan of prog. metal!
07-08-13 04:55:19
Wisheri ::: Favorites
This song is AWSOME!
07-08-13 12:33:23
Amorphine ::: Favorites
w0w AMAZING ! His look is awesome...telling, killing, bleeding...
07-08-14 10:59:41
mellipossu ::: Favorites
i really love this song and the video is pretty good, i wonder if the synchronisation is only bad on this or in the original as well, would be bad for such a great production :) looking forward for the upcoming gigs :)
07-08-14 18:44:16

完全娛樂20070607--五月天東京簽名會 冠佑慘遭設計

Duration: 02:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-15 22:50:06
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

完全娛樂20070607--五月天東京簽名會 冠佑慘遭設計

Milhouse sera el Niño Fision

Duration: 00:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-13 19:43:24
User: correoyahoo
:::: Favorites

Por fin encuentran quien sera el niño fision .:.LoLO.:.

dariduarte ::: Favorites
oooh primero al fin
07-08-13 19:47:19
TonoTako ::: Favorites
uy, por un minuto.
07-08-13 19:48:43
jonycarsonboy ::: Favorites
O_o rapidez
07-08-13 19:56:26
Luccerechan ::: Favorites
Cuarta! voy mejorando XD "Buenas noticias, señores: crecí los 10 cm y algunos metros más" jaja
07-08-13 19:58:37
icarus1icarus1 ::: Favorites
bunas noticias señores creci los diez centimetros y algunos metros mas
07-08-13 20:20:04
00VRV5F41070 ::: Favorites
Soy el Moiseis
07-08-13 20:29:34
VickyTyler ::: Favorites
Primera en calificar! Hahahahaha
07-08-13 20:29:38
mojocast ::: Favorites
pinche lionel hutz ustedes saven por que ya no sale troy maclure y lionel hutz en las ultimas temporadas????
07-08-14 01:43:42
mielo92 ::: Favorites
pss es q alla en USA los doblaba la misma persona, pero cuando lo asesinaron, no volvieron a salir esos personajes
07-08-14 05:01:09

Homero en la Mesa de Billar

Duration: 00:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-29 13:23:40
User: correoyahoo
:::: Favorites

Homero rompe la mesa de Ned Flanders y dice que lo demandara .:.LoLO.:.

digitaliana ::: Favorites
ay co%$& la mesa era nueva.... XD
07-04-29 20:05:28
LiLDarkShadow98 ::: Favorites
no espanole si funny
07-04-30 01:51:58
muralito ::: Favorites
07-04-30 02:43:16
CesarCarranza ::: Favorites
Jajajaja pobre mesa xD
07-04-30 13:59:49
sabdow ::: Favorites
HAHA THIS IS FUNNY!! Oh wait, I don't speak Spanish.
07-05-01 06:17:55
tomsorvolo17 ::: Favorites
"No me dicen la bomba de Springfield solo porque soy un poquito gordo!" XD
07-05-02 14:00:58
Theoo0 ::: Favorites
jajajaj! xD
07-05-07 01:28:43
NeoDestoyer ::: Favorites
aaah si subkime esa Frase x)
07-05-11 01:27:08
FriendsFer24 ::: Favorites
jaja le hubieran dejado a lo de las obejas xD
07-05-14 14:14:45
shiryu301 ::: Favorites
jaja that was funnier than the video
07-06-02 20:33:42


Duration: 05:27 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-30 00:23:53
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites



Duration: 02:41 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-22 09:04:30
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites



Duration: 00:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-13 00:19:58
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

快樂星期天20070812--一眼瞬間MV(25秒) 之後看參賽者唱這首歌 哈哈~ 算啦~還是蕭張唱得好


Duration: 00:32 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-29 00:06:20
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites


完全娛樂20060221--孫協志新書封面照 '堅持'完美呈現

Duration: 01:17 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-07 21:29:07
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

完全娛樂20060221--孫協志新書封面照 '堅持'完美呈現