Saturday, August 11, 2007

Electro-acoustic soundtrack assignment

Duration: 145 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-29 15:04:47
User: Catch33
:::: Favorites

This was a part of a assignment I did for my uni course, a module on electro-acoustic composition. The visual stuff was taken from the video for 'Rational Gaze' by Meshuggah. CHECK them out, theirs is some of the finest music to be committed to disc in many years.

jamesl1 ::: Favorites
omg this is messed up
07-04-29 18:17:07
melikyguitar ::: Favorites
dubble-yoo tee eff
07-04-29 20:10:30
thing666 ::: Favorites
wtf, that is sick!!!
07-05-01 11:48:16
TwilightReign666 ::: Favorites
07-05-04 23:38:27
ontao88 ::: Favorites
it's crazy =S
07-05-09 16:31:19
MnemicFan ::: Favorites
Is that the guy from messuggah?
07-05-26 16:51:42
mofokitten ::: Favorites
the visuals are more logical when paired with the actual song that the music video is for :P
07-05-26 18:09:04
pruttprutt ::: Favorites
Sick shit! Faved :)
07-06-20 18:15:04

Crack Head or Crooner You Decide

Duration: 165 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-21 22:03:03
:::: Favorites

North Philty's Crooner Making A Song His Own

jerryfoster41 ::: Favorites
07-02-22 08:54:18
BrickLaneBetty ::: Favorites
Dude, give him Piffdvd a break! it's about THE MESSAGE not Lucasfilms surround sound!
07-02-22 16:25:17
PIFFDVD ::: Favorites
damn what do you want subtitle a boom mic and for me to get that Sony HDV. LOL.
07-02-22 09:21:54
jazminne ::: Favorites
my only critique is work on your pitch!
07-02-22 11:32:45
BrickLaneBetty ::: Favorites
There are guys on Muni like this all the time. They are pre-youtube youtubers! Cool.
07-02-22 16:24:26
seahawks37tds ::: Favorites
i'll say a crack cooner
07-02-23 03:56:09
TevinsGirl ::: Favorites
crooner turned crack head
07-06-20 01:15:53

Cloverfield 01-18-08 the answer !no copyright violations!

Duration: 43 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-10 05:04:29
User: newbievids
:::: Favorites

no copyright violations! i will prepare will you? 01-18-08 Cloverfield Untitled J.J. Abrams Project Transformers

Vidboy10 ::: Favorites
O_O that scared the crap out of me
07-07-29 14:48:38
newbievids ::: Favorites
07-08-01 00:28:02
Kryzalid ::: Favorites
07-08-02 18:34:08
p8ntballer6 ::: Favorites
(constant monotone) oh my god my pulse is racing i cant believe you did that you so scared the shit out of me i pissed my pants holy mother of god shit fuck cock balls.
07-08-03 13:02:33
newbievids ::: Favorites
show your friends lol!
07-08-03 22:35:25
Surrender95 ::: Favorites
Matt:Huh bwah mu ahhhhhhhhhh.Clint:I think he is having a heart attack!:Mr. Guy:No Teens don't have any dangers other than becoming fat.
07-08-04 00:10:29
WhiteWolf11111 ::: Favorites
wow i bet u make ur friends laugh
07-08-10 09:47:49
F1R3KN1GH7 ::: Favorites
FFS sittin in dark with headphones on and thats the last thing i need.
07-08-10 19:54:30
transvirus ::: Favorites
07-08-10 20:52:48
newbievids ::: Favorites
oh sorry lol!
07-08-10 22:39:39

Fahrenheit- Chu Kou MV

Duration: 334 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-11 04:36:02
User: rainycool
:::: Favorites

Fr Fahrenheit 1st album

tookute2bbad ::: Favorites
cool i have never seen this mv of Fahrenheit>>>I LOVE FAHRENHEIT especially AARON !!
07-02-16 21:58:38
milalalami ::: Favorites
07-02-25 02:17:07
iluvspence ::: Favorites
aww poor aaron! stupid grl....
07-02-26 18:54:14
lurvespiggy ::: Favorites
lurve aaron! poor him, cannot go with the gal he love..
07-03-14 22:03:46
HeArTxChenYiRu ::: Favorites
That girl is mao er from kuso kuso lol ive been wondering where she have been.
07-03-21 22:26:57
xhotlipsx ::: Favorites
i luv aaron's eyes
07-04-07 17:05:39
3va ::: Favorites
Ya Lun's got the most intense and beautiful eyes. omg, so hot! I love that lil side smile he did in the beginning. The baby of Fahrenheit is too precious.
07-04-28 21:54:57

Here I Go Again - Mario

Duration: 214 seconds
Upload Time: 06-09-17 20:00:44
User: citizenny
:::: Favorites

Choreographed by ya Boy Flash: Here I Go Again by Mario:

Dowrenn ::: Favorites
07-07-29 04:11:20
DeluxeKurde ::: Favorites
good song
07-07-31 10:20:10
SEXY656 ::: Favorites
no shit
07-08-02 03:33:33
sxcbabychelsie ::: Favorites
Cassie cannot dance! especially in kanye wests stronger! she sux! shes js a poser and wants to get noticed!!! and p.diddy is js using her to make him look good!
07-08-03 21:39:49
sxcbabychelsie ::: Favorites
07-08-03 21:40:38
tmac2815968 ::: Favorites
Cassie Can Dance And Shes Great Looking, Thats Why Shes In Music Videos And Your Not. Get Over Yourselfves.
07-08-04 07:46:58
r080486 ::: Favorites
i just noticed that cassie is the girl in the video hmz.
07-08-08 15:22:04
Utubelovrr ::: Favorites
cassie is fuggen hawt! and yes she can sing bitchez.
07-08-09 20:25:24
Utubelovrr ::: Favorites
massive side boob at 1:00!!!
07-08-09 20:26:49
LusciouzBaby22 ::: Favorites
damn mario at 3:14. he looks good.
07-08-09 23:44:47

V for Vendetta Televised Speech

Duration: 190 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-20 00:31:42
User: cbirdsong64
:::: Favorites

V's pirate broadcast from V for Vendetta.

copernicus1223 ::: Favorites
instead of parliament attack the freemason lodges and catholic churches. look up dean roger ray on google video
07-08-08 13:05:22
gscam0001 ::: Favorites
may i enquire as to why these particular groups?
07-08-08 14:53:26
tecpaocelotl ::: Favorites
Love the speech.
07-08-09 04:27:55
RichardSwayne ::: Favorites
Guy Forks was catholic.
07-08-09 06:28:16
copernicus1223 ::: Favorites
07-08-09 09:02:09
Destin65 ::: Favorites
He was born and raised as a protestant to a protestant family. ;) It wasn't til his late teens that he switched over in order to violate the recusant laws England (Elizabeth I) had made criminalizing other religions. ;) If you did not submit to the Church of England, you were subject to civil and criminal penalties.
07-08-09 11:40:42
Flowbee79 ::: Favorites
Indeed, it is. Not one so violent as this, of course, but we are living in an hour in need of significant change.
07-08-09 20:35:34
Flowbee79 ::: Favorites
Also a tale of the lesser evils. V does some bloody, destructive things, but so do the agents of the Sutler Regime, and they wish to persist in doing so with out remorse or recoil. All except the police inspector, of course. He's the chip in the armor. He has potential for change. Beside, V is well aware of the damage he causes, and excepts his fate, aware of how far his role in the revolution must go.
07-08-09 20:42:43
shaunyboy04 ::: Favorites
lol id play the star wars episode 1 theme tune where they are fighting darth maul.
07-08-10 04:27:14
tescr ::: Favorites
Join the rEVOLution.
07-08-10 23:58:18

Pan's Labyrinth Song

Duration: 135 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-18 00:10:03
User: Alieze
:::: Favorites

A song is from the beautiful movie Pan's Labyrinth~

TheUhOhFactor ::: Favorites
Christ people, calm down... love the tune by the way.
07-07-18 04:33:11
DETonetti ::: Favorites
This movie was sad and weird. I liked it though.
07-07-18 09:21:12
ToyfulSweetartMavMOM ::: Favorites
Thank You & Happy Summer!
07-07-18 16:46:58
Clairebearloveskatt ::: Favorites
I did not understand this movie cause It didn;t have any subtitles! but i liked it! :D thanx for posting ^.^
07-07-21 03:44:13
rocio421 ::: Favorites
this music is absolutely haunting and goes perfectly with the concept of the movie
07-07-22 03:24:34
Rayyyo08 ::: Favorites
que triste, pero me encanta.
07-07-23 11:38:13
genuisesofstupidity ::: Favorites
07-07-26 11:45:47
shahed99 ::: Favorites
Makes me sad....even before I watched the movie, this song makes me sad :( so beautiful !!
07-07-27 14:09:01
Peaches111A ::: Favorites
such a beautiful song. and the movie was amazing as well. thoroughly enjoyed it when i saw it.
07-07-30 17:17:25
rawr1800 ::: Favorites
this song makes me sad.the movie is sad..i love both.
07-08-06 17:36:50

Padre de Familia - Chequeo

Duration: 90 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-16 11:43:20
User: mgelafer
:::: Favorites

Escena del episodio "El estrangulador de gordos", donde Peter acude al hospital a hacerse un chequeo

frankiller16 ::: Favorites
vaya jarto.
07-07-14 17:49:53
luis2704 ::: Favorites
hahahaha no se como decir esto: kim basinger, basinger, basinger.. XD
07-07-17 17:54:34
wagrom ::: Favorites
a los pringaillos de sudamerica, no critikeis tanto las voces en el español de españa, xk la propia fox advirtió que el exito de estas series en españa frente a otros paises se debia al excelente doblaje, asi ke menos criticas
07-07-20 05:11:26
DRENETO ::: Favorites
caguen dios, wagrom parate ya. yo soi español, no sudamericano, pero aun asi, joder ke eso no viene a cuento e nada
07-07-20 09:43:50
ItaloH2K47ER ::: Favorites
Tienes toda la razon wagrom, los sudacas se creen qe por doblar como los yankees la serie va a ser mejor y es todo lo contrario, los doblajes latinos son una basura. Si quieres mira el video de Peter es spiderman para qe veas qe en un comment un sudaca critica el doblaje español xqe en lugar de pronunciar spiderman en ingles lo leemos en español.
07-07-20 11:02:57
xola87 ::: Favorites
qserie mas grande!
07-07-20 15:08:23
portillorafa ::: Favorites
poner en youtube: cristian vs javi jeje. y poner algun komentario xfa
07-07-20 16:40:24
chiquidiabloFX ::: Favorites
no se encabriten,, solo que el doblaje aqui en mexico es excelente las voces son exactamente increibles ya que el acento es neutro y va con la personalidad del personaje.,. pero nada que ver el doblaje español nome gustaaaaaaaaaaa......
07-07-24 01:36:38
KaLiMoTxOwEno ::: Favorites
el acento mexicano es neutro? yo creo que NO! aunque yo soy española y tambien me creia parecer que nuestro acento era neutro, dish! xD
07-08-08 20:39:08
yosoyTaSaN ::: Favorites
es wenisimo... 1 minuto de pura risa xD
07-08-09 19:20:30

Late Night Boredom: Writer's Block Series Episode 1

Duration: 366 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-22 03:48:04
User: Zzx4k
:::: Favorites

Since I always improvise but never write any ideas down, I felt starting a video improv series would solve my creativity problems. So, here is the start to my strange series of Late Night Boredom adventures...Enjoy.

lilhoney326 ::: Favorites
this is random, but funny.. :D
07-06-07 01:04:42
kokiriforest ::: Favorites
ho. (i had typed something and then accidentally deleted most of it, and that's all that remained. so i kept it.)
07-06-12 01:34:30
blacksavengers8 ::: Favorites
i know how u feel
07-06-13 19:30:31
blacksavengers8 ::: Favorites
that video was histericle! sorry i cant spell...
07-06-13 19:38:09
blacksavengers8 ::: Favorites
btw im trying to make a movie too! lol
07-06-19 22:55:51
Jechtica ::: Favorites
this is completely and totally random but its soooo funny! and beleive me, i know how you feel. you don't even want to know what boredom's done to me *cough* anywho......yea. oh, and has anyone ever told you that you're really cute? because you are. ;)
07-06-21 00:13:07
preppynpink ::: Favorites
ur so gay but thats wat crack me up lol ily dan lol
07-07-16 09:08:16
liquiddookie55 ::: Favorites
You Rock.
07-07-16 21:03:02
maksns ::: Favorites
-->EASYCAMSNOW dot COM<-- really free- really live - really adult Dont miss out this is the hottest adult webcam site
07-08-06 08:56:03
ana7zeenm801 ::: Favorites
Awesome movie. There are a lot of sexy cam girls at <B> _CAMAHOLIC.NET_ </B> -ana7zeenm801
07-08-10 07:27:34

Olivia Newton John - Magic - 1980

Duration: 162 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-09 14:51:10
User: kanners5
:::: Favorites

Olivia Newton John sings Magic - From 1980 - Repost, saw it earlier here but can't find it anymore.

Hunkola ::: Favorites
Whoa! She was a MAJOR fox back then. Look at those killer legs....YUMMY, YUM, YUM!
07-08-06 21:57:45
BEATNIKCASS ::: Favorites
what a honey dripper---I loved xanadu movie
07-08-06 22:12:29
BEATNIKCASS ::: Favorites
xanadu was a great movie--very camp lookin' these days--but back then it was cool.
07-08-06 22:13:42
patunoli ::: Favorites
olivia siempre seras mi amor.te amo patricio
07-08-07 16:38:15
libertylogan ::: Favorites
Here I was listening to my Olivia Greatest Hits when decided to hit You Tube. Had no idea she would be SOOO popular. Brought back so many memories, when I was 8 I thought I WAS HER!! No wonder, she is hot! Stuck in the 70's, but love it!
07-08-07 18:05:17
aitraining ::: Favorites
1980 Olivia was her babe peak. Oh my god! No wonder I was only one of about 10 million males that had a total crush on her!
07-08-08 15:29:33
jstock5355 ::: Favorites
Smoking hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-08 16:17:24
DJAndromeda ::: Favorites
me too
07-08-08 21:57:46
octa8 ::: Favorites
07-08-09 16:01:40
chops0226 ::: Favorites
What a voice. What a face. What legs legs legs legs.
07-08-10 23:23:28

Tha Outlawz Vid 1 ~ Make Em' Mad.

Duration: 506 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-22 16:02:42
User: fearny1011
:::: Favorites

~^~ Tha Outlawz, Brand New Team, Vid 1 ~^~ #Outlawz ~^~ Total Loot: ~^~ 10 Karils 3 Torags Helm 2 D Legs 15 Whips 8 Ahrims ~^~ Music: ~^~ 300 Soundtrack - Fever Dream R&J Soundtrack - O Verona Raptile - Go Faster Spineshank - New Disease

k1dsm4ul0 ::: Favorites
n i c e !
07-08-07 21:27:57
jakeouellette ::: Favorites
song at 0:53+? it cant be the same as fever dream.. i downloaded it...
07-08-08 00:40:15
abyssfire22 ::: Favorites
aaaaaceee!!! rules!
07-08-08 06:11:47
watchemfal ::: Favorites
i love how u pk with lobies against clans. u got balls and did u mind tricks and everyone else key log elf mage??
07-08-08 21:07:40
pittpk ::: Favorites
5/5 ownage
07-08-09 10:32:08
donotskull ::: Favorites
honestly i hate this fag.. he bses so bad he kills someone then atks a friend and everyone just piles them with him hes a fucken fag
07-08-09 22:34:38
nikestar8 ::: Favorites
check out my vid for 99 str/mage green drag pking as well as a funny/weird fearny kill at the end lol
07-08-10 15:10:36
jakeouellette ::: Favorites
first of all mind sticks is ELVEMAGES account, and its elvemage not elf mage -.-
07-08-10 22:10:07
TheAgonyScene13 ::: Favorites
btw it's Mind Trickz not mind STICKs
07-08-10 22:27:53
jakeouellette ::: Favorites
lmao oops typo :P
07-08-11 01:25:51

Rihanna - Umbrella

Duration: 269 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-26 16:29:55
User: TamiaOnline
:::: Favorites

mostaque567 ::: Favorites
Rihanna is so great in this song that having Jay Z at the beginning was kinda irrelevant. He didn't really add much to the song coz it gets a hell of a lot better as soon as Rihanna starts singing. Watch her new video SHUT UP AND DRIVE - just click on my name and it should appear!
07-07-09 11:26:34
VyL6 ::: Favorites
i love the song, but the video is really weird
07-07-12 11:22:44
longjohneate ::: Favorites
wtf is the silver thing...
07-07-12 13:55:10
longjohneate ::: Favorites
no point of it...
07-07-12 13:55:54
COLEY816 ::: Favorites
hehehehehehe umm nice!!!!...!...!...-.-
07-07-16 13:57:24
montsora ::: Favorites
07-07-16 15:50:46
pheonix62 ::: Favorites
goood song and video
07-07-17 14:43:31
captainosmoteria ::: Favorites
07-07-24 00:52:14
fulljag1994 ::: Favorites
she is so sexy in this video, i love her hair like that. man SEXY
07-08-02 12:48:15
astokj ::: Favorites
fantastik from grant
07-08-02 14:29:16

The White Stripes - When i hear my Name (live)

Duration: 272 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-04 08:43:20
User: akrisious
:::: Favorites

When i hear my name and I think i smell a rat .. Live at Reading Festival. Great performance!

mangobiter ::: Favorites
why is his weight relevent one, two hes never been plain fat, three whatever minute amount of weight he may have gained and lost he always looks beautiful
07-06-24 14:57:17
harriscmh ::: Favorites
Why the hell does everyone care what weight they are they would still be badass performers.
07-06-24 23:05:52
toffyelsadek ::: Favorites
i really think meg needs a bra because boobs are gonna pop out one day from all the bouncing
07-06-26 02:17:30
BritishBulldog341 ::: Favorites
07-06-26 14:43:09
DustFromAMoth ::: Favorites
i'm a chick drummer and i never wear a bra. i never get any complaints. why be controlled when you're going crazy?
07-07-07 02:35:55
August25th1981 ::: Favorites
ya... and? thatd be a nice cheap thrill
07-07-13 21:54:21
August25th1981 ::: Favorites
that buddy holly comment is pretty random but funny
07-07-13 21:56:50
toffyelsadek ::: Favorites
guys i was just giving you a hint;) it's not like i really want her to wear a bra i am not gay after all
07-07-14 19:59:32
indiecutie ::: Favorites
love them!!!!!!
07-07-31 17:25:33
megstubetops ::: Favorites
i love this video of meg.shes so fun
07-08-02 17:40:15

dursun ali erzincanlı - habibullahı sevmek

Duration: 487 seconds
Upload Time: 06-09-19 09:49:46
User: mgcihan
:::: Favorites

duru1985 ::: Favorites
ALLAH ve resulü için canını vermiÅŸ kanını dökmüÅŸ ÅŸahadet ÅŸerbeti içmiÅŸ ve din-i islanı aziz kılmış,peygamber yoldaÅŸlarına ÅŸanlı ashab-ı kirama selam olsun.. ALLAH ÅŸefaatlerine nail etsin..
07-07-26 18:44:23
gondiyan ::: Favorites
ÅŸuur ve secde nasipetsin allah
07-07-30 16:41:52
toksime ::: Favorites
SaÄŸdakiler, soldakiler ve ÖNCÜLER!!! Onlar ÖNCÜLER!!! Biz müslümanmıyız bee!! ALLAH'ım affet bizi...
07-07-31 04:30:49
caneruzun61 ::: Favorites
07-07-31 09:35:44
synancell ::: Favorites
çok güzel düÅŸünülmüÅŸ allah razı olsun
07-08-02 10:34:01
mehmetdakin ::: Favorites
masAllah,ne kadar güzel:)
07-08-03 15:13:56
metallicanca ::: Favorites
geceye adım adım yuruduler korkuya adım adım yuruduler onlar öncüler
07-08-06 15:14:23
synancell ::: Favorites
allah razı olsun çok güzel anlatıyorsunuz
07-08-07 05:44:56
yagmurunizi ::: Favorites
ALLAH Resul a.s in ahlakiyla ahlaklanmayi nasip etsin. Yürüyen kuran in izlerini takip etmeyi ve biraktigi emanet e kuran a uygun yasamayi nasip etsin.
07-08-09 06:38:46
takom66 ::: Favorites
Allahım bizleri affetsin, peygamberimizin şefaatine eriştirsin
07-08-10 10:27:12


Duration: 284 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-12 19:43:55
User: angelabsb0478
:::: Favorites


ghdz1984 ::: Favorites
i thought he was the hottest one of all the bsb.. way back when boy bands were it..
07-04-20 00:52:38
Tuuperoinen ::: Favorites
howie is hot <3
07-05-25 13:17:43
szarabasjka ::: Favorites
OMG!!! after how long? almost 20 years!!! I'm old!!! lol you made me cry with this video, the song is just too beautiful for words and the images you choosed were amazing is there a way to get this video to share it with my sis? please love you and lovbe your video So much Kisses kal
07-06-04 20:40:27
kissobsessed ::: Favorites
HEEEEheehee! Howie is soo cute! 3:49 is the best part aaaa!!!
07-06-16 22:16:47
hedelehode ::: Favorites
he is a cutie!
07-06-17 20:10:30
missalc13 ::: Favorites
oh i love howie!!
07-06-21 03:23:54
MySweetDDream ::: Favorites
Howie, mi amor eterno
07-07-11 09:33:51
PopStarInTraining ::: Favorites
breathless...need mouth to mouth.....HOWIE....HELP!
07-07-26 12:46:38
gene1996 ::: Favorites
1:56 is funny and at part 3:49 its so adorable he likes winnie.
07-07-28 17:47:09
annleepl ::: Favorites
omg i luv himmm <333
07-08-09 14:17:51

yello music video- oooooh yeah

Duration: 184 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-25 21:58:45
User: thenickleboy
:::: Favorites

yello music video. the moon. beautiful.

madmax200769 ::: Favorites
Woah!, yeah!!. Great vid, great song, great album
07-08-04 18:48:14
iamgunther ::: Favorites
lol everytime i hear this song, i can't help but crack up.
07-08-05 01:46:53
iamgunther ::: Favorites
07-08-05 01:47:38
iamgunther ::: Favorites
Oh Yeah! Duffman!
07-08-05 01:48:08
madness4life2379008 ::: Favorites
07-08-05 10:06:57
loukenney ::: Favorites
um, that would have to be one of the creepiest video clips i have EVER seen. lol
07-08-06 11:10:23
suicidal25 ::: Favorites
DUFFMAN yeah!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-06 19:26:36
petrocelly ::: Favorites
just amazing sound ! yello was always ahead of others
07-08-07 10:47:48
Psydrop133791 ::: Favorites
the wierdest song ever hahahaha
07-08-07 13:25:15
Shadow3xD ::: Favorites
I LOOOOVE IT..!!..<3..
07-08-08 09:22:03