Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ron Paul Speech in Hollis, NH

Duration: 04:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-19 18:56:37
User: dmodzelewski
:::: Favorites

Ron Paul speaks at a GOP picnic in Hollis, NH

thomasw78 ::: Favorites
Many libertarians are pro-choice, so yes you are correct. He's got a good excuse though being an OBGYN, plus he doesn't want the federal government to write any laws regarding abortion so the states could decide.
07-08-20 21:31:02
jaboochi ::: Favorites
To keep the Ron Paul revolution moving forward we need everyone who believes to take action. Simply, to register to vote GOP as soon as possible (if not too late), vote in your local Primaries, and pass along the reasons you support Dr. Ron Paul to those around you. Dr. Paul vs. The Bank! Go, Ron, Go! Run, Ron, Run! You can do it!!
07-08-20 23:43:15
SushiSyogun ::: Favorites
yeah im aware of that but, if you think deeply about it, Ron's making a lot of sense here.
07-08-21 00:21:23
magnetmixerhands ::: Favorites
NATIONAL IMPEACHMENT DAY is TODAY - TUESDAY AUGUST 21st!! Spread the word and search "v2impeach" on YOUTUBE now!
07-08-21 01:35:44
thomasw78 ::: Favorites
He is... he has every right to be pro-life. If you noticed in the South Carolina rally the pro-life message was a lot more popular. Ron doesn't take positions to be popular... he takes them because he believes he's right, but he does smartly emphasize different parts of his positions depending on where he is.
07-08-21 12:05:07
RonPaulVoters ::: Favorites
07-08-21 12:32:55
voltrabbit7 ::: Favorites
I think it is great Ron Paul is pro-life, though make it clear to all who ask that Ron Paul would give each state the final decision. If California votes it legal then it will be legal there. If Oregon votes to make abortion of babies illegal, well then those living there that want one can make a trip of it and go to disneyland while they are at it.
07-08-21 15:03:40
LayneRoxxx ::: Favorites
Talk about Ron Paul: Mark Levin 877-381-3811 Bill O'Reilly 877-966-7746 Sean Hannity 800-941-7326 Alan Colmes 877-367-2526 Rush Limbaugh 800-282-2882 Glenn Beck 888-727-2325 Michael Savage 800-449-8255 Paul McGuire 800-227-5276 Larry King 800-676-2100 Rick Roberts 800-760-5362 Mark Davis 214-787-1820
07-08-21 18:17:51
nb6677 ::: Favorites
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries..." David Rockefeller - CEO of CFR CFR = New World Order = NAU
07-08-21 18:55:13
evoldfield ::: Favorites
Mitt Romney's campaign only had 35 percent more cash than Ron Paul after subtracting debts on 6/30/2007. There are 1461 days in a 4-year Presidential term. If you donate a penny for each day that would be $14.61. A nickel for each day would be $73.05. A dime for each day would be $146.10. A quarter for each day would be $365.25. Most Presidents are in for two terms. Your investment in the Ron Paul campaign could last a long time.
07-08-23 11:46:20

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