Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ron Paul supporters in Indianapolis (my take)

Duration: 05:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-05 20:10:53
User: bootme21
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This is what I have been doing. I have handed out, at least, 700 fliers just by myself. If you want to see change, You have to be active in making that change happen. Please do something to change the direction of our government and society, so that our children will understand the true meaning of Freedom! Be the Change You Want to See in the World!

westphalianprinz ::: Favorites
I just don't get why libertarianism, rather than what I am, is so popular. In Europe, people know what I'm talking about and think libertarianism is a joke. However, we Americans are too freakin' dumb or too brainwashed to ever have a balanced discussion about another economic system, like,I don't know, Socialism. Because I'm certain that the next comment I'm going to get is some anti-communist hysteria that deserves no refutation.
07-09-05 22:31:09
dingusmungus ::: Favorites
You obviously have little or no idea how the tax system works. Talk to a CPA about their opinion on moving federal spending to a state or local level, and 9 out of 10 will tell you its more efficient and cheaper at the local level. Please at least read something before posting such misleading opinions.
07-08-27 20:45:11
rg2027x ::: Favorites
great video..keep up the fine work. Ron Paul is the only hope this country's ever had
07-08-27 15:44:52
richardshort2001 ::: Favorites
For all the people in Indianapolis who hate the recent hike in property taxes, just think what it will be like if Ron Paul abolishes Federal Income Taxes and states are geting even LESS money from the federal government. Sell your homes now!
07-08-08 22:47:53
RonPaulMeetUpVideos ::: Favorites
added at RonPaulMeetUpVideos com - thank you!! Great stuff and good song too. :D
07-08-02 18:38:43
bootme21 ::: Favorites
yes, i do. I ordered some from vistaprint(dot)com.
07-07-24 18:54:34
ggadguy ::: Favorites
Do you have Ron Paul Cards to give to people at parades, fairs or to friends? Get them at LibertyCard . org Let's bring Ron to victory!
07-07-24 12:32:06
NostroSalvatore ::: Favorites
man awesome
07-07-11 13:06:04
Paul84674 ::: Favorites
Notice that most of the Ron Paul supporters are intelligent. Are there enough intelligent people in America to elect Ron Paul.
07-07-10 09:36:12
OvercomingHope ::: Favorites
We are fighting lack of awareness. It is legal, and a good idea. Write on.
07-07-08 10:18:22

Homosexual Trial Period Sketch

Duration: 05:32 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-30 13:36:20
User: rxbandit5446
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Please be forgiving as to the amateur production values. Hopefully the comedy transcends that. There is one unintentional jump cut and one purposfully craptacular jump cut...make a fun game out of guessing which is which! get down, party!

justin6082 ::: Favorites
Yeah. That's pretty crappy. Speaking as an unoffended homosexual, of course. I think it was the language made it seem lamer than it was. Try it again without the swearing perhaps. Keep it up, gentlemen.
07-08-21 23:16:17
MadeMan78 ::: Favorites
That was....gayyyy?
07-07-12 15:46:36
kinkashito ::: Favorites
This was pretty good. XD The "Aweesoooome" was ruined by the major cuts and jumps, but the "suhweet" at the end made up for that. Maybe a new camera and less jumping around and your next videos will get 5s. Was a hilarious concept. Keep 'em up!
07-07-11 09:05:22
pushover1 ::: Favorites
Hilarious!!!! Great acting!!!!
07-07-11 08:27:02
pushover1 ::: Favorites
tugging his carrot to the gayporn wasn't as enjoyable as he thought it would be
07-07-11 08:26:22
exizt111 ::: Favorites
Awesome acting for amateurs.
07-07-11 08:18:17
LouieG7777 ::: Favorites
07-07-11 04:24:27
RawJagged ::: Favorites
Haha. Johnny depp looked like he was on that mag cover.
07-07-11 04:07:31
gaia942 ::: Favorites
i dont get it the end bit...
07-07-11 03:15:16
kezamel ::: Favorites
That was so funny I cried. lol
07-07-11 02:50:44

Big Brother 8 - Laura VT&Entrance - BB8

Duration: 04:13 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-30 22:09:06
User: artynmay2
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Bubbly Laura is an absolute chatterbox who'll talk to anyone. She's not too keen on drinking alcohol and prefers drinking squash as it makes for a cheaper night out. Laura admits her nickname is 'Wangers' because of her large breasts. She also has an obsession with embalming and would like to make a career of it one day

tockxtick ::: Favorites
I LOUVED HER AUDITION. So funny, talks so fast, it is the funniest thing ever, wanted her to, win.But there you go.
07-08-21 11:44:49
shamrock1961 ::: Favorites
What the and who the hell is this?
07-08-08 05:08:00
babigalmeg ::: Favorites
i never sed that no 1 could #ent luk her i no other people have opinons but u can not h8 some 1 that u have never met !!!!!!! that is all i was tryiin 2 say !!!
07-08-07 11:05:34
jacklovesdivas ::: Favorites
she is backstabbing and some of us have our own oppinions you know
07-08-07 11:03:08
babigalmeg ::: Favorites
how can u h8 her when u dnt even no her it reli annoys me wen people say they sum 1 wen they dnt even no then u proberly never met her so how can u say i h8 her???? i think she fab from what i saw on the tell ybut i wudent realy no because i i have never met her!!!
07-08-06 17:43:59
jacklovesdivas ::: Favorites
i hate her
07-08-05 07:58:40
samgaskill ::: Favorites
hahaha lol
07-07-20 21:16:13
dodgyknoxville ::: Favorites
fat bastard your not called wangers your called sack of shat!
07-07-12 06:24:47
Chazbadboi ::: Favorites
shut up
07-07-10 14:04:50
king4942 ::: Favorites
You think she's fat. She's not fat. Americans are fat!
07-07-08 20:15:45

Max Mouse Part 4 (1/3)

Duration: 09:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-05 23:49:20
User: ninjawarriordex2
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Ghostwriter V. Max Mouse

aryanna1oregon ::: Favorites
Go to CAMAZONCAMS . COM for very hot cam girls!
07-08-19 11:18:38
faze1sari ::: Favorites
the kid at 7:53 is gay william hernandez check it out at tv dot com
07-07-10 16:13:05
singer34109 ::: Favorites
07-06-27 23:55:40
singer34109 ::: Favorites
English is his second language. that is why his English is somtimes broken up. He probably reads kids books because they are simply worded and are useful when learning the English language.
07-06-27 23:48:47
sowhatisk8what ::: Favorites
i think hector plays the role of a special ed person. he can't hardly talk and he reads kid books
07-06-17 10:20:12
glamourchick21 ::: Favorites
Yes, you can force them. The ultimate objective is to spell a word. The competitive objective is to back your opponant into a corner so that they are forced to end the word. That's what makes it a game of skill and not a game of dumb luck, which is what it would be if it were only a matter of your opponant getting forgetful. Adding random letters makes it nigh impossible to spell a word, which means you're just caught in a stalemate. Now THAT would be a stupid game.
07-05-31 00:16:35
theresuga ::: Favorites
But you can't actually force them. The idea is that they're forgetful enough. If Lennie's dad was mine I'd disown him for being that stupid!
07-05-29 20:31:28
glamourchick21 ::: Favorites
But there's no way to win if you don't force them to spell a word.
07-05-29 12:18:24
theresuga ::: Favorites
Yes but you're not forced to spell a word, the idea is that the opposition doesn't pay attention and forgets the object of the game, spelling a word by accident. If in your mind all you do is add unusual letters that would stop the possibilty of tripping up
07-05-28 21:40:05
glamourchick21 ::: Favorites
They don't put a lot of random letters because the point of the game is to make the other person spell a word. You can't win the game if you don't set it up to spell something. Weren't you paying attention?
07-05-28 12:55:58

Whale Shark

Duration: 03:17 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-23 01:36:53
User: bubblevision
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Thailand's Richelieu Rock is a "hot spot" for whale shark sightings and on 4th March 2005 we were there to capture the World's largest fish in all its glory. This female whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is missing the top of her tail and would be easy to identify again. From our DVD "Reef Life of the Andaman".

bassoongirl17 ::: Favorites
What a beautiful fish, I wish that they weren't endangered or dying, they haven't dont a thing to us.
07-09-08 21:23:19
lllshokoboylll ::: Favorites
Omg cant wait to see a dumb shark attacking to this whale shark lol
07-09-08 14:12:39
boiledelephant ::: Favorites
I want a pet Whale Shark :-}
07-09-03 17:16:49
xcrazyxbrunetteq ::: Favorites
i love whale sharks i wanna ride one ! well i guess id have to swim with one first =]
07-08-18 23:56:11
haloboy330 ::: Favorites
lol that would be kinda scary but cool. everyones gotta scratch somehow
07-08-17 20:47:57
unico ::: Favorites
ah thanks. the sound wasnt working for me. i understand it having spots when its younger and smaller, but not when its bigger.
07-08-10 14:54:04
YagoDP ::: Favorites
says in the video its for camo from above
07-08-10 00:07:15
luvcarlosspencer ::: Favorites
all whale sharks tend to be spotted that way. they are the most docile creatures ever. they only feed on plankton and small fish. if any of you ever want to see them up close, visit Srilanka. Fishermen have told me that they come up to the boats to scratch themselves, nearly toppling the boats!
07-08-08 14:46:16
unico ::: Favorites
why is it spotted?
07-08-08 00:59:20
SharkGoddess ::: Favorites
We catch/kill/ consume Millions more than sharks attack us, every year. Sharks are being taken from the oceans too fast for them to repopulate their dwindling numbers. It takes 1 shark up to 9-15 yrs to mature enough to breed, then give birth 1x every other year 1-10 pups/eggs that are on their own the second they're out. U do the math. It's not a matter of treehugging. It's a matter of sharks not being around for any1 for anything anymore. Please catch & release! EXtinct is 4ever...
07-08-07 17:33:28

Margaret Cho - Assassin Part 3/8

Duration: 11:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-27 03:24:43
User: vamripire
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From Margaret's 'Assassin' dvd/tour. Part 3 of 8. Enjoy! :)

giveafuckdont ::: Favorites
there are people who believe in the bible, god and christ who are exemplary human beings, there are ones who suck big deal... the same applies to everything, you'll find gay people who might be criminal, abusive and what not, but it's not because they're gay, or because they're black, or latin, or asian... we have to see the larger picture before speaking up, and remember intolerant, limited and STUPID thinking like that is the main cause of war in the world
07-09-08 09:29:20
giveafuckdont ::: Favorites
I think it's wrong to talk that way about christianity, you can't say that about every christian, those people Margaret's talking about sure are wrong, but it's not because they are christian, it's because they are stupid, so "fuck stupidity!" (or something like that) would be better...
07-09-08 09:26:39
BrightestBlackSheep ::: Favorites
I did post a comment to nexy it didnt show up.
07-09-02 20:04:48
Jeroen1983 ::: Favorites
Apparently so. Or reason. Or any kind of thinking transcending that of a 4 year-old. If you're opposed to something, some valid arguements might help in not coming across like a moron. Just some food for thought. Don't go all PMS on me, now.
07-09-02 20:03:05
nexypointy ::: Favorites
oh yeah??? well im not offended ...but i'd rather shut my trap if i were you coz christians get offended easily.
07-09-01 16:47:35
BrightestBlackSheep ::: Favorites
fuck christianity!!!!!!!!!!
07-09-01 16:45:11
BrightestBlackSheep ::: Favorites
dude do some homework the bible is a farce.
07-09-01 16:44:59
BrightestBlackSheep ::: Favorites
what a straw man answer you deluded nut job. my anger cant be expressed with words you fucking idiot.
07-09-01 16:44:32
Gaymage ::: Favorites
"Well i will definatly give up pork for that!"
07-09-01 01:10:37
LKenzie ::: Favorites
I think that's because some of her best friends when she was younger were some gay black guys. She mentioned them in one of her shows.
07-08-26 22:11:06

What Does a Demolition Look Like?

Duration: 07:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-17 01:45:01
User: vicki68
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Correction to video: Molten metal is not necessarily the result of every demolition. I've done a little research and have more to do, but since the "molten metal" views are a minor part of this video, I've decided to leave the video up. But, aluminum melts at 1220.666 °F, steel at 2500 °F, iron at 2795.0 °F. So molten metal would occur depending on the heat that was emitted from the charge. This video shows several examples of controlled demolitions and compares them to steel buildings which have sustained fire. This video was created as a 9-11 research tool, but I must admit, since I created it, it is somewhat one-sided...but in a nice way. :)

nidge76 ::: Favorites
Terrible terrible song halfway through. Made me cringe
07-08-05 15:27:53
eurafaq ::: Favorites
danggit if someone finds the south park 9/11 conspiracy please send me the web site or w/e
07-07-29 00:35:18
mfh2kdw210 ::: Favorites
The "Truth Movement" likes to beat around the bush on this speculation because of the fear and accusation of 'anti-semitism'. In fact a large majority of people in general are afraid of this strange smear word. WHY? Maybe, as the saying goes, if you want to know who your masters are, ask who it is you cannot criticize.
07-07-09 12:51:51
mfh2kdw210 ::: Favorites
This may be speculation but it is still possible nontheless that 911 was a false flag operation to maneuver the U.S. into fighting wars for Zionist Israeli agendas. The U.S. Government seems to serve Israel's every wish, otherwise why do we have AIPAC?
07-07-09 12:38:32
aMereFascination ::: Favorites
But comments that imply that the NYFD are murderers is not one of those comments best kept to oneself? Especially when you have no evidence of that. NONE. That is far more offensive then the "f" word. And if that song being played is 'art" then I just made some art of my own a few minutes ago. It wasn't pretty either.
07-07-06 03:03:33
aMereFascination ::: Favorites
You are trying to make some inference that I am an anti-semite? I know that you hear things that aren't there, but now you cannot read things that ARE there??? I am mocking the Truthers, whose conspiracy theories largely contain anti-semitic jargon the deeper you dig.
07-07-06 02:58:08
vicki68 ::: Favorites
I don't want to see a young man running down the street naked, but have no problem with the statue of David. Some things are acceptable in art, but not in the general public. You don't think I've ever used the F word? Of course I have, but I don't use it in front of people I don't know, nor do I write it. Some things are just better kept to yourself...comments like, "that Jew Michael Eisner" would be one of them by the way.
07-07-06 02:49:57
aMereFascination ::: Favorites
This is for Vicki.You said you remove posts because they have the "f word." Apparently yr ears aren't too delicate to hear the passionate angry young man singing the theme song to this video. He uses the F word.
07-07-05 23:03:37
aMereFascination ::: Favorites
This is for mfh. Please try and use yr head here. This is a conspiracy, I'll stipulate that for the moment.. It's a conspiracy by a power than can intimidate the Military, the NYFD, NYPD, the Government, the media, just about anybody. Who is the omnipotent power that can intimidate all these sectors yet they "needed to destroy evidence in WTC7." Who is this power afraid of?? Who are they fearful of that is going to find these documents? The TRUTH movement?lollolol
07-07-05 23:01:51
mfh2kdw210 ::: Favorites
This is for "aMereFascination"
07-07-04 06:57:07

Spider Blood Strip Tease

Duration: 05:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-28 14:53:01
User: chewonmyfingers
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jenjen342scott ::: Favorites
I HAVE N U D E VIDEOS MYSELF. (click my name)
07-09-06 15:23:25
NIETLAIP ::: Favorites
07-08-31 10:24:18
tracypwgilmore ::: Favorites
the youtube adult category --->>> click my name, then website link :)
07-08-28 11:44:29
terrygibsonny ::: Favorites
nice!!!!!!!!! guys _HotLocalVideos.com_ is better than youtube. videos are UNCENSORED. enter your zip to see girls in your town.
07-08-25 19:34:50
belleville700 ::: Favorites
this is fairly good good imagination
07-08-24 16:28:50
Tandokuno ::: Favorites
07-08-20 05:59:45
ultramagneticpop ::: Favorites
What are these girls doing here you would have never imagined, SEE the world live strip championship at <b> w'w'w HerStrip(.)com <b>
07-08-17 21:52:10
babegoth22 ::: Favorites
damn nice!
07-08-11 04:37:32
sexiilad ::: Favorites
came over her?
07-08-10 16:58:40
SpookyIV ::: Favorites
Hye! SEXY and The Song Is Fucking NICE... xD
07-08-08 01:06:36

Mosquito Lake, Colorado

Duration: 07:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-21 18:25:19
User: Desertphile
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I went to Mosquito Lake, Colorado, and filmed it so that nobody else ever need to do it themselves.

Brianj1234 ::: Favorites
Hehe well it's jsut the name, I don't think we have that many more mosquitos than elsewhere :)
07-08-22 20:01:51
Desertphile ::: Favorites
"We have a mosquito creek near my house.. :)" Golly, lucky you. How much money do you spend on mosquito repellent every year? :-)
07-08-22 19:53:58
Brianj1234 ::: Favorites
We have a mosquito creek near my house.. :)
07-08-22 18:57:08
Desertphile ::: Favorites
"is that a remanant from more ignorant times?" Alas, my ignorance is so vast I cannot tell when some of it is removed.
07-08-22 12:08:29
Desertphile ::: Favorites
"I would like to explore the mining areas." There are more than 15 houses, though some of them appear to be outside the "city's" limits. There are the remains of rock stamps and many trash dumps around the area.
07-08-22 12:07:56
Desertphile ::: Favorites
"Might as well call it Wet Lake." Funny! I didn't think of that. How many "Mosquito Lake"s must there be in the world?
07-08-22 12:06:44
0gigers0love0slave0 ::: Favorites
"i'll be dissiapointed if i dont find a lake god damn it" is that a remanant from more ignorant times?
07-08-22 11:18:40
mobiltec ::: Favorites
2003 estimated population of Bonanza was 15. Still too many! Looks like the town of Bonanza might be an interesting place to see though. I would like to explore the mining areas.
07-08-21 23:56:40
jeremebp ::: Favorites
Mosquito Lake. That has to be the most unimaginative name for a lake ever. Might as well call it Wet Lake.
07-08-21 22:02:13
Grimlore ::: Favorites
Hey, I am Mexican. Well, Hispanic to be accurate. Either way, we're not to be feared :)
07-08-21 21:27:13

BioShock Commercial

Duration: 00:60 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-15 02:27:30
User: DerkaDog
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The first ever BioShock commercial.

dukefanforlife ::: Favorites
i already beat this game and i love the part when u become a big daddy..and i like engrageing a big daddy and watchign him fight a bunch of splicers
07-09-06 13:14:09
kingcanti ::: Favorites
one of the best games ever made.
07-09-05 21:17:23
tenshi890 ::: Favorites
two words....fuckin amazing.
07-09-05 02:26:49
polak121431 ::: Favorites
When you first see the big daddies, they move all slow and limbering, like they are on the ocean floor. But when you attack them, their eyes turn from yellow to red and they run faster than you do! I like to find 2 big daddies, hypnotize one, and make them fight. They just stand there and try to drill holes into each other until one of them dies, it rocks.
07-09-03 17:22:48
ncala ::: Favorites
I already have the game....Bg Daddy is a hell of a lot faster than I thought.
07-08-31 14:18:47
LemonLimesour ::: Favorites
Thats Bobby Darin..not Sinatra
07-08-30 19:22:31
LemonDemon35 ::: Favorites
Somewhere beyond the sea - Frank Sinatra
07-08-30 11:45:33
htownsoulja713 ::: Favorites
ok i really wanna know the name of the song
07-08-29 23:04:24
Sk8Outtacompton ::: Favorites
some where!!
07-08-29 21:42:06
destructin123 ::: Favorites
oh really, i didn't know, I just thought he was, I actually never fought a big daddy, i just played the demo
07-08-29 19:22:10

Pokemon Dawn/Hikari #5 - The Real Sugar Baby

Duration: 02:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-24 01:25:59
User: rayray443
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Pokemon Dawn/Hikari #5 - The Real Sugar Baby.Number #5.I have made a bunch of videos today.Anyways,Enjoy!

analgreaseyum ::: Favorites
man i would so ram her from behind, makes me more wet and tingley than a beaver in a dam
07-09-08 18:31:00
DaveNebula ::: Favorites
Silly annoying little May wannabe? I agree.
07-08-18 22:32:19
Anime4Freak ::: Favorites
same here bradda
07-08-01 20:51:18
jlatulippe ::: Favorites
it fits her
07-07-31 20:03:20
guthaninfested ::: Favorites
i got an erection looking at dawn...
07-07-15 20:34:58
pokeangel ::: Favorites
first comment !!!
07-06-26 11:31:41

Cirque du Soleil's Varekai - Mancycle

Duration: 03:48 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-21 21:32:59
User: Icarusangel27
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Varekai's Mancycle act, featuring John Gilkey, Anton Chelnokov and Rodrique Proteau

SMAAMB ::: Favorites
I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!
07-09-06 22:25:53
PenguinIce11 ::: Favorites
Which is the Varekai's last act.
07-08-06 15:24:26
Vinterleker ::: Favorites
Indeed! The song (from the beginning till the end) is Gitans. I have it in my uploaded videos, but you'll hear it's simplified. This one is with variations on the same chords.
07-04-13 17:38:14
GreenDragonBlast ::: Favorites
I think Gitans is the name of the very first song in the show, right before the sound machine part.
07-03-25 21:33:20
Icarusangel27 ::: Favorites
Someone down there said the song was called Gitans but I never have matched them up before...BUT it probably is the song name.
07-03-20 22:29:08
gud4nothingabby1648 ::: Favorites
lol like this video i want a mancycle too no more 4 the bike ill enjoy the this 1
07-03-18 18:52:34
Sunrise5 ::: Favorites
Hey .. I want one of those!
07-02-04 02:43:34
circusannie ::: Favorites
Oops, should've read all the posts haha. The song is Gitans - a definate favourite =)
06-12-31 23:53:03
circusannie ::: Favorites
Greek*? Haha, I love the violinist - Vuk and Gitans are perfect together :D One of my favourite intervals - though it's changed so much in 3 years! gotta love those fireflies
06-12-31 23:50:13
XxFlightofIcarusxX ::: Favorites
Gosh I love Cirque!! When we went in Brisbane they had Mark Halasi [who plays Icarus] on it and it was so awesome! Oh and btw what is the name of the song?
06-11-24 22:31:25

oleo de mujer con sombrero - silvio rodriguez

Duration: 03:38 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-09 13:43:40
User: holandes84
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bella cancion de silvio

holandes84 ::: Favorites
muchas gracias guillermo
07-09-05 21:00:43
Guillermuflon ::: Favorites
Te ha quedado francamente bien, mi más sincera enhorabuena. Según he leido hay gente que piensa que no eres tu el que evidente que si sino fijaros como en la intro hace el amago de empezar pero no empieza, hace un poquito más de punteo jeje ;). Muy bien crack.
07-09-05 06:32:26
holandes84 ::: Favorites
jajaja ke se va a parecer la voz jajaja... me falta aprender a cantar por lo menos y hasta desafino hahaha... gracias de todas formas
07-08-02 19:05:51
aouita1968 ::: Favorites
Si no llego a ver los comentarios me lo trago..... Jua jua juaaa jajaja Ya decia yo que se te parecia mucho la voz...
07-08-02 15:11:03
sadithXXmichel ::: Favorites
bito toy esperando la cancion de moneda dura y pon las canciones ke has grabadooo tan bonitas muakk =) luv u
07-06-28 11:43:32
ericamarin ::: Favorites
Exelente!!!! Muchas Felicidades.
07-06-24 12:34:43
sadithXXmichel ::: Favorites
jajajaa komo la gente piensa ke tax doblando tan linda es tu voz ke no creen ke es tuya te das cuenta bebe??? graba mas canciones rapido pa ke te crean al menos yo te escucho en vivo jajaja y toy esperando mi cancion ya sabes =) te amo
07-06-19 11:42:40
holandes84 ::: Favorites
para nada jaja.. esta un poco retrasado el audio eso es todo jeje
07-06-10 14:26:40
erenstorojas ::: Favorites
jajajajajajajaja,,,tay doblando carajo!!!!!! casi me la trago, jejejeje
07-06-06 13:43:32
holandes84 ::: Favorites
jaja gracias ... estoy en miami
07-05-14 06:54:03

is this Normal?

Duration: 00:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-29 16:30:03
User: thefirmsk8
:::: Favorites
:::: Top Videos of Day

i eat mac and cheese and watch smosh.

Shplaah ::: Favorites
eatting rules it never gets old lol
07-09-05 17:59:16
nfitz92691 ::: Favorites
THAT WAS AMAZING!!!! and it never gets old!!! lol. jk
07-07-23 03:01:07
DaRkLoVeLiFe ::: Favorites
ok , wtf was that!?!?!
07-06-06 17:35:41
MikeDuva ::: Favorites
07-06-03 02:48:34
horrorfan1520 ::: Favorites
are you a boy or a girl
07-06-01 16:36:58
camdenml ::: Favorites
I thought it was cereal.
07-05-30 14:37:39
thefirmsk8 ::: Favorites
ez mac WHAT ELSE?
07-05-30 14:07:20
camdenml ::: Favorites
What are you eating?
07-05-30 11:39:58
mercpred132 ::: Favorites
wtf was dat?
07-05-30 10:00:06
notfunnyok ::: Favorites
07-05-30 01:39:05