Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Guniw Tools / DROP an OAR

Duration: 06:46 minutes
Upload Time: 05-11-29 16:55:16
User: niwlun
:::: Favorites

Guniw Tools' video for "DROP an OAR"

MurasakiTori ::: Favorites
This has a video o___o?! Oh my goodness gracious I've loved this song forever...
06-01-23 17:05:04
darkdespairdumbgirl ::: Favorites
yay great song! but gaa how many PV´s do they have??!I dont have this one*-* Full is too cute to be true in this!
06-02-03 19:03:59
niwlun ::: Favorites
They have a video for almost every song they ever made. xx;
06-02-04 13:42:53
darkdespairdumbgirl ::: Favorites
they doo?! damnit I gotta have them all!lol they are all so awesome..I *heart* Full´s hats!
06-02-04 14:58:16
khaimkarasu ::: Favorites
I once saw a drawing from FULL in wich is remarked that he had to row by himself in the lake, with a camera in front of him and all to film these video segments O___O
06-03-28 11:43:22
KMFCM ::: Favorites
wow . . .I thought I'd NEVER see a Guniw Tools video
06-04-16 12:12:23
plasticryuu ::: Favorites
does anyone have this in mp3 format? I would love to have it >w< please?
06-09-16 12:41:45
khaimkarasu ::: Favorites
contact me later. might as well be lucky enough to find it!
06-11-05 04:51:06
EccentricSage ::: Favorites
That's so awsome. It realy seems like the PV is just as much a part of the whole work of art as the song. Pretty cool. And their music doesn't suffer for the time they spend on visuals at all.
07-08-27 02:08:28
niwlun ::: Favorites
you'd be suprised. they have a video for every song. some even have two.
07-08-27 07:34:32

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