Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Guess the Word II (2)

Duration: 169 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-21 01:01:42
User: hotforwords
:::: Favorites

Here is installment 2 of my Guess the Word series. Let me know what you think.

LiveOrDie178 ::: Favorites
i think its sex
07-08-06 19:34:21
milton4448 ::: Favorites
it's religion! Write me back if it was
07-08-06 22:27:19
09katieshoe ::: Favorites
Definately love.
07-08-06 22:41:56
hyrul10 ::: Favorites
money! and 5 stars from me for hotness!!
07-08-06 22:54:56
janno142 ::: Favorites
all I tink about is sex...is that it?
07-08-06 23:29:47
hdunik ::: Favorites
only meaningless to the mindless
07-08-07 00:12:03
grinder186 ::: Favorites
theres a sublyminal message at 1:24
07-08-07 00:34:53
momo2323 ::: Favorites
07-08-07 00:55:24
Brickcaster ::: Favorites
What a stupid camwhore. I wasted 3 minutes of my life.
07-08-07 01:40:39
kangaroosterman ::: Favorites
whoa how did i not notice that
07-08-07 01:41:30


Duration: 584 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-25 09:20:34
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites


holdu4ever ::: Favorites
thanx sooo much for uploading this~! I've been waiting in such a long time XD <3 Rainie + Xiao Mei + Chuan Yi
07-06-26 11:21:50
mycatm ::: Favorites
that swing set was on Devil Beside You.That swing set must be very popular.
07-06-26 12:23:39
luv2happy ::: Favorites
didn't they do this drama in the summer? why is it cold? or did they did this in winter?
07-06-26 19:04:56
chuubasa ::: Favorites
dioesnt the guy look like this guy from Super Junior (korean band)? Iunno. To me he looks similar xD
07-06-26 20:32:36
chuubasa ::: Favorites
sorry I take it back they dont -.-'. OMMG Isnt that the same playground from devil beside you?
07-06-26 20:35:42
crissymojo ::: Favorites
haha! the swing set again! xDD
07-07-01 06:57:02
jazgirlo ::: Favorites
u mean the older brother looks like donghae from super junior? At least that's what i thought when i first saw him, hehe~
07-07-01 19:26:07
Charlin8451 ::: Favorites
07-07-06 23:49:17
sharon520m ::: Favorites
rainie's friend is so fuuny
07-07-07 02:50:00
funkymonkey27 ::: Favorites
lol, i think the face looks like shiwon but the hair looks like donghae
07-07-28 10:05:09

Nascar 08 Wrecks

Duration: 213 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-04 17:52:43
User: fcfguitarist
:::: Favorites

as promised on NR2003 Wrecks 3 my first nascar 08 comp

wwetnaecw ::: Favorites
i gota say the crashes from nascar 08 on ps2 r more realistic
07-08-05 20:57:25
Bassplyr11 ::: Favorites
yeah these flip to wickedly, it's to unrealistic
07-08-05 22:38:40
myrideman12 ::: Favorites
holy crap nice vid
07-08-06 01:03:06
daleearnhardtfan3 ::: Favorites
ps3 or 360
07-08-06 10:32:18
fcfguitarist ::: Favorites
07-08-06 11:18:38
vipor3D ::: Favorites
when ryan newmans car was slanted in the front was that a glitch or just part of the game
07-08-06 11:41:17
fcfguitarist ::: Favorites
no it happens in the game i guess like a bent chassis
07-08-06 12:18:00
Trackmaster48 ::: Favorites
What's really funny is sometimes when cars are airbourne, they still leave skid-marks, lol.
07-08-06 15:10:05
Leschins ::: Favorites
the flips are cartwheels
07-08-06 16:58:27
Randildo ::: Favorites
LMAO man u no wuts real funny is, some of those cars look like bananas when they get hit. like that newman and jon wood clip.
07-08-06 20:32:18


Duration: 615 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-01 06:21:23
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites


EDWARDS @ Moveon.org Townhall: Do you support Murtha's plan?

Duration: 76 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-10 21:45:40
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

John Edwards' second question during MoveOn.org Political Action's unprecedented Virtual Town Hall meeting on Iraq -- where seven presidential candidates answered questions from MoveOn's 3.2 million members. More video is available at www.MoveOn.org. HELP SPREAD THIS VIDEO -- help it climb the YouTube ratings by giving it 5 stars, making it a favorite, commenting, and forwarding to friends!

RetJudgeS2 ::: Favorites
John Edwards is far and away the most qualified Democrat who is ready to be the President of this country in the worst of times. He voted for the war, like so many other decent legislators, because they relied upon the lies fed to them by the Bush administration! He has had the courage to stand up and say that he was wrong, and he didn't just do this yesterday.
07-04-11 14:17:21
bamalv ::: Favorites
he seems the most honest of all the candidates but does he have enough experience? we already have an inexperienced idiot in the white house and look at the mess he's gotten us into.
07-04-11 18:37:05
TheRepublicMenu ::: Favorites
The Nazi is the common liberal him/herself. It is you, fucking immoral ghoul. You sick the life right out of America with your pro terrorist anti American nonsense. Neo cons are better than liberal traitor/losers who keep whinning about everything.
07-05-03 20:53:38

Travis Pastrana : My Backyard

Duration: 205 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-21 15:27:10
User: wartim3
:::: Favorites


paintballer223 ::: Favorites
that house would give me a wet dream
07-07-26 14:25:59
BLaCkMeTaL98 ::: Favorites
07-07-28 14:40:47
PlayPusher ::: Favorites
NY athletes: Join the Official Sports-Video-Community of NY! We film in 360 viewpoint & edit using Digital Effects! See what you will get at the playpusher website.
07-07-28 19:51:56
robitayl ::: Favorites
that. is the best place ive seen in my life. id love to live their. could u ever get bored?
07-07-30 05:38:12
2bs2gs ::: Favorites
this dude is my inspiration.....for my backyard lol
07-07-31 01:13:51
2bs2gs ::: Favorites
Love travis he always looks like he is having sooo much fun
07-07-31 01:14:56
coltonmaas ::: Favorites
when you sell your house... i'll buy it!
07-08-01 16:29:16
joeyaliotta ::: Favorites
dude my dream vacation is to got to ur house that would be awsome!!
07-08-02 19:47:10
whippinit250f ::: Favorites
it sucks that he doesnt freestyle anymore. but hey theres no more tricks left for him to do haha. and i would love to live there
07-08-04 02:32:27
handsup94 ::: Favorites
nice video that slip and slide is awesome
07-08-04 23:01:08


Duration: 333 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-16 00:10:54
User: jklproduction
:::: Favorites

Yes!!! Dinner at Susan and Charles' house! Whatever could go wrong? www.myspace.com/jklproductions

jklprofan ::: Favorites
i missed Lucas, too. :( but the video was great! :)
07-08-01 14:32:53
MusicCrazy2452 ::: Favorites
Ok love the candy flipping. xDD
07-08-01 15:23:17
BananasForInuyasha ::: Favorites
hhahaa! i luved the fone conversation hello hello hello hello???....
07-08-01 18:00:04
kelserzz15 ::: Favorites
helllo???? HELllO? hello? HELlO?? stOP IT!!!
07-08-03 12:30:06
DaQueen94 ::: Favorites
ahahahahahahahahaha that was soooo funny
07-08-03 21:10:24
tubbyhippo311 ::: Favorites
omg, the part wen he's frying the candy is soooo funny "sssssss,dang it!!" hahah
07-08-04 13:03:29
mstone2288 ::: Favorites
what song is this oneat the end
07-08-05 11:37:46
jklproductionsrules ::: Favorites
omg 1:15-1:25 is sooo funny
07-08-05 22:22:09
BG2LE ::: Favorites
Haha!!! Thats hilarious! I love the banana at the end! Funny funny!
07-08-06 01:00:01
kristboox3 ::: Favorites
jon is cute & the video is hilarios
07-08-06 21:36:11

Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) @ Take Back America

Duration: 1288 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-04 11:13:57
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) speaks at the 2006 Take Back America conference in Washington, DC on June 14, 2006

scj16 ::: Favorites
07-01-30 19:10:35
kai4545 ::: Favorites
Russ is THE man.
07-04-30 19:09:08
outrider52 ::: Favorites
i love russ
07-08-02 11:45:41
stealthwalnut ::: Favorites
The terrorist love Feingold. He's a do nothing pussy. Biggest cry baby in the senate. How this terrorist sympathizer got into any office is way beyond me. I shook his hand about ten years ago. Mr limp wrist. It was like shaking the hand of a twelve year old girl.
07-08-04 23:21:47


Duration: 37 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-03 18:38:24
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) commented about why a number of his Republican colleages in the Senate are seeking to block action on Iraq. (Taped March 2, 2007)


Duration: 175 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-15 08:58:32
User: pilicreateworld
:::: Favorites

霹靂創世錄: 98.to/pilicreateworld

gtrdriven ::: Favorites
these puppets could kick my ass!
07-04-16 05:35:00
starkDeath ::: Favorites
yes! cat warrior puppet!
07-04-16 23:42:15
James052000 ::: Favorites
If you do not copy and paste this onto 10 videos your mom will die in 4 hours
07-05-15 00:13:59

The Devil Cat

Duration: 26 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-05 02:35:39
User: hadrianos1990
:::: Favorites

Crazy Cat

TPMtv: May 29, 2007

Duration: 370 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-29 12:18:20
User: Veracifier
:::: Favorites

A lot of TPMtv viewers have been wondering about those curious logos at the beginning and end of each show: Veracifier and nextnewnetworks. Today we tell you what they're all about, and do our best to explain just what exactly that made-up word "veracifier" really means.

Ecuador-Chile 1-0 Valencia Copa America 2007

Duration: 59 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-27 19:27:18
User: AjaxBulgaria1
:::: Favorites

Copa America 2007 Venezuela

kurueclue ::: Favorites
Golazo.. ECUADOR.. este partido mereciamos ganarlo... ojala se corrigan los errores
07-06-28 05:53:38
nickylennon ::: Favorites
Biennnnnnnn jugamos como nunca y perdimos como siempre.. cuando dejaremos de utilizar esa frase??? Por cierto quien tapo??
07-06-28 05:56:21

Lazio-Arsenal 1-2

Duration: 133 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-02 18:17:09
User: AjaxBulgaria1
:::: Favorites

Amsterdam Tournament 2007

marcoo073 ::: Favorites
da silva is good arsenal champion of the chapions leugea 2007 2008
07-08-03 04:51:35
jebanka ::: Favorites
wenger, it's better if you let him play...
07-08-03 06:09:56
07-08-03 09:30:08
AERODROMEC ::: Favorites
ave lazio
07-08-03 16:13:00
AleksandarBig ::: Favorites
Viva lazio
07-08-04 07:25:54

Collin:The Boy Who Didn't Get Respect

Duration: 339 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-07 22:37:40
User: jklproduction
:::: Favorites

Collin never gets respect. Maybe he'll change that though, or maybe he won't. www.myspace.com/jklproductions

JCAproductions ::: Favorites
HAHA I LOVE U LUCAS! I respect u :)
07-07-31 14:49:40
DogDefenders ::: Favorites
lol.I have thier AIM.its on thier myspace.check it out.I ♥ U LUCAS!lol!
07-07-31 15:16:46
jklprofan ::: Favorites
i luv and respect him more! lol
07-07-31 18:45:03
MusicCrazy2452 ::: Favorites
"R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Found out what it means to me," dang it now I've got that in my head. XD
07-08-01 17:00:42
jami215 ::: Favorites
Remindes me of my Wendy's toy that you and Miranda killed!!! haha i found it in my dance bag the other day. hhahaa.
07-08-02 17:54:57
randomjunkrox ::: Favorites
well u just better hope tht all the people tht love u r chicks...
07-08-03 17:43:43
itssavanna ::: Favorites
its okay collin
07-08-04 13:47:00
newmilfordbull55 ::: Favorites
we respect you..lol
07-08-05 17:38:05
CalliCyrusGoBoom1123 ::: Favorites
I love u Lucas! I respent you =] I respect JKL!
07-08-05 20:24:48
x0bRii ::: Favorites
i respect you! lucas is a hottieeeeeeee and besides im like 2 and your like 20.!
07-08-06 05:21:04

Former Spanish President José María Aznar on NATO

Duration: 837 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-23 00:15:14
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

The former Spanish President spoke at Georgetown University in early February 2007 about NATO and the War on Terror

Carazo1988 ::: Favorites
Vete con tus 'amigos republicanos' a Cuba o Venezuela y disfrutad de la democracia! Joder el caso es ofender. Pandilla de extremistas.
07-07-02 14:46:59
atlanticaaa ::: Favorites
qué aburrido. prefiero verle defender sus derecho a conducir borracho, meterle a una reportera el bolígrafo en el escote, repentinamente poseído por un acentuadísimo acento americano "estamous trabahandou en ellou" y demás episodios ridiculísimos y patéticos que me hicieron descubrir el verdadero sentimiento vergüenza ajena.
07-07-11 08:13:59
378101 ::: Favorites
Aznar has to suffer for his honesty and determination. And these corrupt socialist envy Jose's success! They even initiated legal proceedings against him ! ! Shame current leadership of Spain! ! !
07-07-12 09:08:54
leonor1958 ::: Favorites
07-07-17 16:35:33
Pzarmee ::: Favorites
es un payaso.
07-07-19 17:23:53
guitapie ::: Favorites
an de escai is blu
07-07-21 17:53:37
skrotomon ::: Favorites
como comediante no tiene parangón el facha payaso este.
07-07-29 16:30:43
isperfijo ::: Favorites
Aznar tenía a ETA con el agua al cuello, no como Zapatero que nos hunde en la mierda.
07-07-30 09:44:38
poruntube ::: Favorites
De vergüenza ajena, como cada vez que abre la bocaza.
07-07-30 17:59:10
ditets ::: Favorites
hahahahahahahaha XDD pringao vuelve a la selva con mona chita!! ahahhaha pufff que duro este video
07-08-06 20:01:38

20070727 超級星光大道 方志友 -我多麼羨慕你

Duration: 197 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-28 07:49:39
User: icefishyuna
:::: Favorites

Re-Upload because of better quality =]

Luis Garcia

Duration: 175 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-26 17:34:04
User: srawra
:::: Favorites

We miss you! Here's wishing you a speedy recovery! Luis the pride of LFC! Liverpool fans! Join lfcfanatics.com!

lfcfanatics ::: Favorites
Hes a legend at scoring important goals. check out lfcfanatics,com
07-04-29 06:14:20
srawra ::: Favorites
hey elmo! :D
07-06-07 19:29:24
smashingbutterfly ::: Favorites
watch the video of the new luis garcia!!PERO66 on you tube
07-07-19 15:47:43

ROOTSCAMP DC: Antwuan Wallace

Duration: 118 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-04 18:40:56
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Antwuan Wallace from the New School shares his thoughts on '06 and hopes for 2008.


Duration: 83 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-07 06:41:10
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites


kana5chunkisskiss ::: Favorites
07-03-09 13:11:58
gainzlee ::: Favorites
luv ya aaron.. luv ya fahrenheit... nice CF
07-05-06 14:56:28
smileyshelley ::: Favorites
i luvv arron!
07-06-06 04:57:23

Smallville Season 6 Previously

Duration: 92 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-18 01:11:48
User: HawkeyeJedi
:::: Favorites

The re-cap segment before the premiere of phantom.

Elektra35 ::: Favorites
Season 7!!!!! I can't wait!!!!! ^_^
07-07-29 21:33:53
catholicteen ::: Favorites
I love their "previously on Smallville's".
07-08-02 19:41:37

Alive in Baghdad: Uncut - First episode

Duration: 154 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-20 16:07:05
User: Veracifier
:::: Favorites

Brian Conley comments on the Alive in Baghdad report, "Japanese-Iraqi Solidarity Feeds Hungry Iraq," March 26, 2007. For more, see the original episode at AliveinBaghdad.org

jimbojim68 ::: Favorites
It's about time someone showed the good work being done in Iraq .... by private aid groups.
07-04-21 17:52:23
BaghdadBeat07 ::: Favorites
It's so appalling to think of Iraqis living on charity and donations...Iraq is the second largets oil-producing country in the world, for God's sake.
07-05-12 15:10:23

DNC CHAIRMAN HOWARD DEAN: Message to the Netroots

Duration: 132 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-05 13:23:48
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

DNC Chair Howard Dean thanks activists and the Netroots for the 2006 victories.

nitemusic ::: Favorites
Three - count 'em - three pickups for Democrats in Indiana alone. What a year for progressives who love America. The naysayers were dead wrong: Howard Dean is the best thing to happen to the Democratic Party in a generation.
07-01-05 20:12:52
synthemesc06 ::: Favorites
"and we're going to go to to WOOOHOOO"
07-01-05 20:28:45
BorschtBeet ::: Favorites
Howard Dean is a modern day FDR.
07-01-08 15:35:29
jmdodds ::: Favorites
This man should be our President. Find your local DFA group and join up! Jane
07-01-08 15:54:19
rcbell2006 ::: Favorites
Howard Dean at his best! I hope he will mature and separate himself from the far left. I've been a Democrat all my 50 years, and I've never seen so much mud-slinging in my life! Thank you, Howard for not running OUR president down.
07-01-13 11:58:39
cbmusic ::: Favorites
Umm, what the hell are you talking about?
07-03-06 04:17:55
phaedrus44 ::: Favorites
07-07-30 13:45:03