Sunday, February 24, 2008

Totalimmortal (I Heard A Voice) - AFI Cover

Duration: 03:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-19 01:30:13
User: celluloidxdreams

AFI | Cover | Heard | Voice | Fire 


Totalimmortal by AFI "I Heard A Voice" style! Well, sort've. Hope it isn't too fast for you. XP I hope you like it too. I need to work on pick-scraping. @.@ The tuning is in E-flat, opposed to regularly being in E.


libertine15  2008-02-22 13:02:51

:O thts my amp. except mine is spider II aha =[
VALENxAFIxFAN  2008-01-14 00:24:32

celluloidxdreams  2008-01-07 17:20:44

A Line 6 Spider III 15-watt amp.
rodrigo1Punk1  2008-01-06 22:12:38

nice distortion dude, what amp are you using?
Afifan495  2008-01-01 20:42:24

for your own good slow it down a bit.

Smashomania: Gameboy Color

Duration: 03:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-10 09:51:50
User: marleyquest

smashomania | gameboy | color | game | boy 


A gameboy color is smashed. Guest star: aiden caplan


pisul14  2007-04-04 19:47:17

poor gameboy :(
lovelegodude  2007-03-13 14:41:14

that would have sold for so much money....
donkeyfart123  2007-03-07 19:34:59

sup marley?
marleyquest  2007-02-10 16:00:05

i know, i lied. hahahahahaha
marleyquest  2007-02-10 15:59:25

i kow, i lied hahahaha

97 Yd Touchdown

Duration: 00:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-03 15:26:05
User: pookeo1

football |


Wow! No Copyright infrigement.



Is a Suicide Cry for Help a TOS violation?

Duration: 03:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-18 08:54:30
User: Gimmeabreakman

you | think | video | suicidal | person 


What do you think about this?


Mattson402  2008-01-18 19:44:15

YouTube PROBABLY called the authorities and got her some real help. There is a group of people out there who would egg her on to do it.
Duck1987  2008-01-18 19:37:34

did anyone ever tell you that you kinda look like Jeff Goldblum?
truevoiceofsanity  2008-01-18 19:28:31

I agree with you. 5 stars. ;)
TheFamousStacie  2008-01-18 19:22:21

If I were truly worried about someone, the only one with our true information: ISP and email is YT. When a video gets flagged it just means that a YT employee HAS to watch it for whatever reasons. Not that it needs to be removed. If I thought a situation was timely or dangerous, I would hope they would check into things.
Ithillian  2008-01-18 18:57:08

Okay. I watched her video, and I believe her cry out is legitimate. She looks like she's having a very hard time, but I still stand on my opinion: The last place she should come to is the internet. If anything, she needs real help. Psychological help, or just someone good to talk to. You did a good thing today, Victor. :)

Painting 1 Part 2

Duration: 04:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-29 03:44:30
User: charnakov

charnakov | painting | time | lapse | pollack 


Some more of my current project. What the hell is going on with this thing? Again music is Bob Schneider


charnakov  2008-02-13 11:17:06

Yeah it's acrylic. For this painting I am laying out the general stuff in with it before moving on to oils, which is a first for me... Yeah I'm in a college studio, it's pretty nice save for the grey walls of bland.
oliviapeachcom  2008-02-13 11:12:37

I like this music I will have to get a CD of his, my type of tunes... is this acrylic? I assume cause you said you are using a retarder.. You share a studio? I ask cause I used to wear headphones when I shared a studio
redact11  2008-01-29 22:55:19

--very Funny:p
charnakov  2008-01-29 19:24:35

redact11  2008-01-29 13:33:58

Fascinating -- Cool. What about my question re pollack (?)...

Happy birthday youtube!

Duration: 00:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-15 14:56:18
User: pookeo1

youtube | birthday |


Happy birthday youtube!


pookeo1  2008-02-16 06:50:18

your very welcome!
DandCVideos  2008-02-15 21:55:41

Thank you so very much for your contribution to this collaboration pookeo1 Loading... !!! watch?v=-eZManKte1o Happy Birthday YouTube! :) David and Charmaine


Duration: 07:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-15 20:40:11
User: DandCVideos



Links to those channels blueearthdigital canadianstudmuffin cigardad weezie63 monicavm pookeo1 deansig newzikiwi prod0016 AndyMuggs TheJayEffect DandCVideos GuitarZzann HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES FROM COMMUNITY OF YOUTUBE 3 YEARS


DandCVideos  2008-02-23 01:55:50

We would like to thank you all for coming and viewing our videos. It is so very much appreciated when you rate them and reply to them as well as respond with your own video. As this is what we hope and wish for that you will make D&C VIDEOS your choice for viewing here on YouTube. We now keep our videos open for comments for one week only. Please subscribe to keep updated and feel free to check out our newest videos. Thank you. :) David and Charmaine
DandCVideos  2008-02-18 03:19:57

Prod it was really cool to have you as a part of this collab! Thank you so very much. :) David and Charmaine
prod0016  2008-02-18 00:38:24

I spy Jay, Cigardad, AndyMuggs and you guys. Cool!
prod0016  2008-02-18 00:33:54

Good job guys!
DandCVideos  2008-02-17 22:43:22

Larry Happy Birthday!!! :) David and Charmaine

Midwest Meetup Chicago Part 2

Duration: 06:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-17 02:03:10
User: gabrielized

Midwest | Meetup | Chicago | artistmac | bob 


My chat with artistmac - and Bob Newhart, in bronze absentia!


gabrielized  2007-08-20 08:51:23

I should, I should! Believe it or not I have been trying to get something together for cable... haha!
artistmac  2007-08-19 22:26:13

LOL! Gabrielized, you should have your own talk show. Oprah, move over!
gabrielized  2007-08-19 11:12:42

At first I was sitting down on the Newhart 'couch', then was standing up later.. I'm short but not that short!! haha!! Thanks luvdabun!!
luvdabun  2007-08-19 09:33:53

were u sitting down or is he that much taller then u? wonderful finding you here at YT... thank you for sharing with us bunnies rule! 8-)
gabrielized  2007-08-18 21:53:25

It was hard to get to talk to everyone, but so glad I met some really nice people! I'm glad I went! Thanks anakin!

Tattie Scone Bitesize

Duration: 02:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-23 11:04:05
User: alexlench

tattie | scone | bitesize | scotland 


Another advert from da ladz!


Jestersmother  2008-01-29 11:21:08

You guys are great! We can tell you were creative in your shots and angles. We cracked up. You might laugh at our "Clothesline" clip. Candice and one of her students are using Scottish steps in a choreography with the Wicked Tinkers. You might like them too.
THEHowellmanIsBack  2007-09-17 14:34:18

LOL! I love it!

5 Facts - Fred Segal Celebrity Chef Secret Agent Frog Prince

Duration: 09:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-31 17:51:31
User: sharonafox1

Facts | Sharon | Fox | Fred | Segal 


I'm giving 5 facts about myself because I've been tagged by Tishala of GranniePanties30. Tishala, sorry this is going up so late. I've had a humongous cold since the first of the year. I hated watching everyone playing tag and I was home in bed sick...AHHHHH! First of all you must check out Tishala's site at GranniePanties30. She is known for her amazing voice. She is a hardworking mom of two and a wonderful wife...every once in awhile she sneaks away from her family, hides in the closet and belts out a song which she uploads on Youtube. She'll hide in the laundry room and offer up another amazing song...and sometimes her videos find her singing in the shower or bathtube...with her clothes on of course. That's not what endeared me to her though. Her heart and her humor are what really caught my eye. When she starts talking with her husband the two of them remind me of the comedy of Mike Nichols and Elaine May or George Burns and Gracie Allen. She totally cracks me up. She needs her own talk show. Please check out her site. Sending You Love And Kisses, Tishala...(her site directly below) GranniePanties30... I mention in this video that Youtube site, channelreview offered me the amazing opportunity to collaborate in one of their amazing min-films...where I got to co-star with an animated Sean Connery in an awesome video called ... "Two Virgins & A Bottle". The link is directly below... channelreview... Please check out channel reviews site. The humor and the art (and heart) behind the humor are genius level. .................................... The 5 Youtube sites I have tagged are; Poptalk is one of the most exciting and provocative rising stars to come out of Youtube! Yellow Peril and Ebonia of poptalk Rule! ...(site link below) poptalk... Zennie62...Wow, forget network news, they don't know what is going on but Zennie62 does and he tells it like it is. He's getting the word out and people are listening...Like Academy Award Winning writer and actress, Emma Thompson...(in the link directly below) Zennie62 is shining a spotlight on subjects that are being ignored by mainstream media. Keep up the great work Zennie...(his link directly below) Zennie62... channelreview..."The Simpsons" need to move over because they won't be able to keep up with the shock and awe...(as in totally "AWESOME")..of channelreview. The wit, the humor, the art, the stunning's all there. Channelreview lives in it's own selfcreated universe and he brings some of the best of Youtube with him into this most inspiring universe. Channelreview creates min-film masterpieces that are collaborative efforts with other talented artists on Youtube. Not only is there great art in his work but he provides a giant service to the Youtube community by recognizing other artists in the YT community and tailoring his animated masterpieces to highlight the gifts of these other artists. His multi-talented art and his generous heart are great gifts to the whole Youtube community...(a link to his main site is listed directly below) channelreview... fresh, a fresh new voice on Youtube. He doesn't have too many videos up on Youtube, but what he lacks in quantity, he more than makes up in quality. Check out his video called "Youtube Tries Taking Over"'s cute ,it's creative and has a happy feeling to it...(link to it directly below) Please encourage him to make more wonderful videos...because VanFresh really has a fresh and unique take on the simple aspects of life...and I always find anything he does a breath of 'Fresh' air...and with Global Warming being recognized as a real viable threat...we're going to need all the 'Fresh'air we can get. Go VanFresh! (link to his main site directly below) VanFresh... txlee1...Months ago I first saw this site and was blown away by the brilliant comedy of Tim Lee. The guy is movie star handsome (think Brad Pitt's good looking cousin). He graduated magna cum laude from UC San Diego with honors in biology, went on to complete his PhD at UC Davis (meaning you can call him Doctor) He spent years developing simulation and analytical models of population dynamics before he discovered all of it bored to tears...his tears cleared up when he discovered comedy. Check out, Tim Lee, "Doctor of Comedy" (at the site listed directly below) txlee1... .................................


sharonafox1  2008-02-18 15:13:14

I can't tell you how grateful I am to be able to be back in the home I grew up in taking care of my mom. There are old acquaintances from my old incarnation in Hollywood who pity me and say that it is so sad I am wasting my life...but I know otherwise. I say if you can't do it from home...maybe it's not worth doing. I am so fortunate to live an enchanted life with and amazingly eccentric family and neighbors that I've known since I was a baby. What could be better? My life is "Magic".
7seveng7  2008-02-18 13:16:33

Thank you = )
citizenkong  2008-02-18 10:56:59

I understand now when you say "Home is where the magic happens!" From Alpha Female to wonderful daughter.
sharonafox1  2008-02-18 02:50:00

Not any more. Today I let others fight the battles while I'm home taking care of my mom. She is house bound from a stroke and I love staying home cooking, cleaning and helping her. I love creating healthy gourmet meals for my parents because they are both very overweight and I love the on going challenge of creating new dishes that both surprise them and help make them healthier. I am so lucky I don't have to travel the world to make things happen any more. Home is where the magic happens!
sharonafox1  2008-02-18 02:42:45

O.K. Danielle...I've finally finished the video response to your tag. I really had fun with it because your creative film making inspired me to do an Oscar themed 5 Tag response. Check it out and let me know what you think...Thank you so much for the inspiration!