Saturday, October 13, 2007


Duration: 03:03 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-06 19:33:25
User: music4life1563
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Panic! At The Disco's The Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage, THIS WAS ONLY MENT FOR THE AUDIO but lyrics were added for fun .. enjoy! PS. sorry if there are any skrew ups, i had to make this twice cause it didn't save the first time :\


punkxinxpink9500 ::: Favorites
07-10-03 15:49:45
xpatrickstumpslovex ::: Favorites
dude u r PERFECT I LOVE U !
07-09-28 00:23:18
punkxinxpink9500 ::: Favorites
WHOOOOO I <3333333333 dis song
07-09-17 17:41:01
AngelWings29 ::: Favorites
nice job..perfectly timed and everything
07-08-12 10:28:21
xgeeluverx ::: Favorites
i love the way the words move! good job!
07-08-07 05:08:32
AngelPhantasie ::: Favorites
i agree :] they are the best.
07-08-03 20:41:16
Imnotdead96 ::: Favorites
best song on thre album && why the hell would you listen to them oer and over unless you were SUPER boring :)
07-08-01 07:47:38
Yuure ::: Favorites
Their songs usually have subliminal meanings behind them, they make you actually try to think what the music video is about.
07-07-28 01:11:23
Kaitexox ::: Favorites
i think of them the sammee
07-07-20 17:04:54
Kaitexox ::: Favorites
yeh they do, if you listen to them over and over again
07-07-20 17:04:42

Maverick Cedar Point - No Limits 1.6 Re-Creation

Duration: 06:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-27 10:38:44
User: bhollings
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This is my first re-creation on No Limits 1.6. i know the heartline roll has been taken out but i couldn't be bothered changing it sorry. please rate and comment. The Music: Rob Dougan - Will You Follow Me? The Escape Club - Wild Wild West I used Fraps to record this and i used ULead Video Studio 10 to edit it. thanks and dot forget to rate and leave a comment bhollings


aslguy2507 ::: Favorites
Your crazy. The ride is better with the corkscrew There is no half corcscrew.
07-10-08 08:27:38
uglyjamzproductions ::: Favorites
Pretty Cool, But It Goes Too Fast. 4/5.
07-09-29 15:32:11
calakapepe ::: Favorites
pretty cool sould've used some scenery around the tunnel but im not one to talk lol.... ill give it a 5/5 . . if posible can you tell me how to get those rocks...
07-09-27 22:24:47
rainstar0419 ::: Favorites
I'm glad they took the heartline roll out. It would have caused soooooo much stress on the trains. And the g's would be really intense, so intense they could almost pull your head off. And if that didn't happen many people would be flying out of the cars.
07-09-18 19:55:56
bhollings ::: Favorites
erm i think you can go to the no limits website and buy it from there
07-09-09 13:07:00
sticks2507 ::: Favorites
The 2 things u got wrong were: 1: as u know- no more heartline 2: The air time hill at the end is actualy a half corkscrew. Where did u get all the scenery?
07-09-09 11:29:58
m00nkinftw ::: Favorites
that got really close to the real one, excellent
07-09-09 06:08:08
rollercoasters11 ::: Favorites
that was great
07-09-09 00:47:44
wahley ::: Favorites
Hey. Very nice Re-Creation. Where can we download it for NL 1.6? Please upload it somewhere so we all can joy it out of more perspectives. Please.
07-09-07 06:19:35
AndyII6III9 ::: Favorites
They hadn't opened it, the heartline would've probably 1. Flung you out 2. Caused a ton of stress on the trains.
07-09-05 18:39:43

Joke of the day series! (Day Thirteen!) DAX EDITION

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Duration: 03:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-05 14:40:50
User: asakykenny
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一名樣貌像大陸人的男子,於七月七日的下午, 在一輛前洪北關口的新福利巴士中, 用他的西裝隔住手不繼地去碰一名在座位女子的胸部 . 當時我的女友見到此事非常氣憤 但當時人又沒有出聲..(可能因為她年紀較小, 所以不敢說出口 ) 然而我們又不知那男子在車上有多少人馬.. 想了一陣後, 我決定拿起我的相機, 在不經已 的情況下拍底那男子非禮女子的部分過程.. 那真是令人作嘔的行為.. 請大家關注下呀.. 尤其是女子更是... ps: 在片尾有那色狼的相片..請各位認清那個賤人!!


vickybluesky ::: Favorites
要改變不是一時三刻的事,可,內地的人們, 不用太動怒了,現在澳門的賭場大部分客人也是內地的, 沒有內地,澳門靠什麼食飯? 而且..我們學校的公民科考試是考清唱國歌耶
07-10-12 09:43:46
vickybluesky ::: Favorites
前幾頁的,為什麼你們會認為如果在內地發生這種事 女生一定會大喊?內地治安也不是太好吧 而且,我想澳門的人都會知道自己是中國人, 對於是否認為自己比內地高等的問題, 其他我不知道,在學校裡,肯定地,這情況是普遍的,
07-10-12 09:43:26
vickybluesky ::: Favorites
還有,樓主你的字眼有問題, 大陸人可以看得出來的嗎? 難道在街人所有人的臉上都會寫著「我是大陸人」或 「我是澳門人」或「我是香港人」嗎? 為什麼做壞事就一定是內地的人? 而且,你的字眼引起罵戰了
07-10-12 09:41:56
vickybluesky ::: Favorites
樓主你都幾搞笑bo, 你說你gf年紀少,不敢出聲,這我理解, 但你會這樣說你年紀也不會少吧? 那你為什麼當時那麼有空拍下來不去阻止? 你戈時又唔夠薑去鬧佢,甘你依加又拍低落來po上網 不是更可笑嗎?
07-10-12 09:25:49
taazmanj225 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for adult stuff. I like the site _SWEETDATEZ.COM_ -taazmanj225
07-10-11 23:01:44
jason10cas836 ::: Favorites
Nice post. This site is pretty good for pretty webcam girls - _TIME4CAMZ.COM_
07-10-06 01:17:26
Bigboya609 ::: Favorites
Great video. Theres a lot of cute webcam girls at _FUNDATERS.COM_
07-10-04 20:35:08
liuiiuil ::: Favorites
It's a very interesting video for me. Owing to Youtube, my view to China is changing fast...
07-09-21 03:37:58
joshlimlim ::: Favorites
looks like this is not an enjoyment video.well the person who rec this and post it sucks.
07-09-21 03:03:05
balancej ::: Favorites
idiot fello, not even help!!!
07-09-09 08:09:44

Buckin competition

Duration: 10:43 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-05 00:19:42
User: buckin09
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Battle of tha dancers at Craigmont high.


gooooop854 ::: Favorites
This site is pretty neat for naked webcam girls - _TIME4CAMZ.COM_
07-10-05 22:01:41
freeway5000 ::: Favorites
who has that song eastside
07-09-06 15:35:38
deonjones18 ::: Favorites
dats tight as f*ck, where can i get that eastside song???...who's it by
07-09-06 04:17:11
YoungSkinny1 ::: Favorites
That ain't da walking in Memphis mix that's on Bohagon mix tape that shit old as hell Chyna whyte even on it.
07-08-25 14:48:38
freeway5000 ::: Favorites
at 1:40 is cme eastside remix str8gutta
07-08-17 10:17:52
blackangelbad ::: Favorites
dat's my cuzin get it
07-08-15 14:06:22
DrElmo2 ::: Favorites
hell naw... that part with yo gotti in it is walkin in memphis but chopped with some other background music!!
07-08-14 12:07:20
corbinjacks ::: Favorites
how can i get that song called eastside lil bruh?
07-08-07 16:29:51
corbinjacks ::: Favorites
how can i get that song called eastside lil bruh?
07-08-07 16:28:34
freeway5000 ::: Favorites
hey is anyone on
07-07-10 08:28:52

Capoeira Angola Workshop - CMestra Susy and Treinel Gege

Duration: 05:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-25 14:25:11
User: susy99
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Capoeira Angola Game. Womens encounter 2002 in Seattle. Visit us on


bumblefreak ::: Favorites
wow! great, thank you so much. It's good that capoeira is moving away from the mysogyny that's checkered it's past.
07-08-21 18:31:55
nopalitoangola ::: Favorites
tem homem e tem mulher nao mais sexismo :D
07-08-21 02:09:49
bumblefreak ::: Favorites
Does anybody know the lyrics for the modified So Homem Mulher song they sing here?
07-08-18 01:56:08
bumblefreak ::: Favorites
Yup, that's her in the wool cap.
07-08-18 01:53:35
OsagrinyaSon ::: Favorites
Which one is Gege
07-08-11 11:54:38
bumblefreak ::: Favorites
Yeah, that's Gege all right... so much malicia. Poor Susy. Probably the first time she had to play Gege and taste her foot.
07-07-21 14:50:44
pekenhoca ::: Favorites
adorei o jogo da Gege, ai meu deus eu gostaria de soltar a mindinga desse jeito!!!
07-05-06 02:08:03
pekenhoca ::: Favorites
me perdoe A treinel da FICA!!
07-05-06 02:02:21
pekenhoca ::: Favorites
bateria só de mulher!!
07-05-06 02:00:52
pekenhoca ::: Favorites
eu acho que sim é o treinel da FICA!!!
07-05-06 01:58:56

Yo esperaré, tú cambiarás. Darwin

Duration: 03:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-23 19:12:40
User: EduardoArellano
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Joya ecuatoriana encontrada gracias a unas cajas que cayeron por accidente del casillero. Salud por Darwin doquiera que se encuentre. Grabado quizá en el Show de Bernard o en Tiempos dorados.


Crispin47 ::: Favorites
Fue un exitazo en Colombia alla fue donde lo escuhe en una de mis vacaciones, buen tema gracias por bajarlo.
07-10-06 16:32:39
miguelguerrerosuarez ::: Favorites
excelente cancion, me acuerdo muy bien de ella porque mi papa tenia el disco en casa y lo tocaba casi a diario, ya que Darwin era primo de el.
07-08-07 18:02:08
maxlojano ::: Favorites
Sin duda alguna una de las mejores canciones romanticas de todos los tiempos, me acuerdo cuando viajava a casa de mis abuelitos en mi pueblo. Que recuerdos...
07-08-04 03:02:29
daniloyjuanlosgatos ::: Favorites
Gracias por el video. Saludos desde Medellín, Colombia.
07-07-02 04:39:03
Richard7332 ::: Favorites
mi hermano ,tremenda cancion me has hecho recordar mi adolecencia cuando vivia enamorado de todas las nenas
07-06-18 17:07:13
muchosp2 ::: Favorites
que recuerdos tan bonitos te trae estas canciones gracias eduardo
07-06-15 19:49:56
X13Doritos ::: Favorites
Viejos recuerdos. Bonito tema. Conoci personalmente a Darwin, cantaba y tocaba el coro de la Iglesia de la Almas(Cuenca y la 6ta.) Ahi estudie catecismo y mi profesora era su enamorada. Cierto dia le robaron su guirtarra y se realizo una colecta para conseguirle otra. Luego se hizo conocido. Bien por el. Lastima que no continuo teniendo tanto talento Saludos. John Lopez
07-06-13 14:09:57
absalom69007 ::: Favorites
07-05-26 02:29:00
marioricky ::: Favorites
Oye panaita me estas haciendo llorar loco, me acuerdo de mis tiempos mozos jajajaja te felicito una vez mas mi pana exelente musica, sin menospreciar la de ahora CUIDATE mi pana!!
07-05-25 01:49:54
Gokukakaroto ::: Favorites
Gracias Eduardo, te subire otro tema de el, los videos salieron del Show de Bernard y luego Gabriel Eljuri los volvio a sacar en el programa Tiempos Dorados. Pero el maestro Bernard fue quien los pasó.
07-03-26 09:05:28

Sagopa Kajmer & Kolera - Ne Bilirsin..

Duration: 05:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-16 08:34:59
User: noblelandmark
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Sagopa Kajmer & Kolera - Ne Bilirsin.. Harika bir şarkı, ilk klibim..


karanliginmelekleri ::: Favorites
kolera muhteşemsin be ablam çok seviyorum seni tüm dost ve arkadaşlarıma selamlar ALİ YASİN ARABACI...
07-10-13 03:23:16
karanliginmelekleri ::: Favorites
kolera sagopanla birlikte muhteşem bi grupsun üstünüze bi rapçi tanımıom
07-10-12 07:32:38
ecsexp ::: Favorites
Yunustan dinlenmeli.. Uzucu olmak istemem ama Koleranin sesi asiri derecede rahatsiz edici..
07-10-12 04:12:05
E4bossman ::: Favorites
1-pkklilar ulkesiz pictir 2-bu hayvanlar magarada yasar magarada sikisirler 3-atalarida hayvandi kendileride 4-analarini,bacilarini,karilarini satar sermaye yaparlar 5-hepsi ermeni asillidir 6-dagda hayvanlarla cinsel iliskiye girerler 7-ee nede olsa ata meslegi. 8-Bu piclerin hicbir zaman ulkeleri olmayacak evet arkadaslar bu piclerden size biraz bahsettik ileride gene bahsederiz.topunun koyum
07-10-08 21:27:30
pauLsharK ::: Favorites
ArkadaşLaR Sagoyu dinLemek için bAzı şeyLeri aşmıŞ oLmak GerekiyoR..iLLaki meyve veRen Ağaç taşLanacaktıR..bu üLkede böyLe Çünkü..neySe Biz SagoyLa Aynı FrekansTayız: )Onun için aLdırmAyın çatLak sesLeRe.. SagoLadıK BeyinLeRi,eLedik EmbesiLLeri ,)
07-10-08 19:45:50
fatihblackice ::: Favorites
lan yunus musun nesin bi adam gibi dinleanlarsın aq senin mal sen bi boktan anlıosan süper şarkıu
07-10-08 14:42:59
Emir8h ::: Favorites
Resimler çok güzel uymuş bence parçaya. Ellerine sağlık
07-10-08 03:04:31
turkomodel ::: Favorites
sago key yeah sen baskasin sago dunyayi baska cerceveden göruyoruz sayende saol hersey icin sago4ever
07-10-07 13:35:05
HORZUMLU ::: Favorites
07-10-05 14:03:40
yunus2601 ::: Favorites
Iyyy daha dinlemeden midem bulandı.
07-10-04 12:13:58

Red Hot Chili Peppers-Venice Queen

Duration: 06:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-08 12:10:33
User: brodare2
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i make it with the sims 2!!!!there are the red hot chili peppers!!!


SaneStarkiller ::: Favorites
Anthony has a bit too big mouth, but still WOW :D this rocks :D more more more :P always wanted to see Venice Queen video :)
07-10-13 04:12:53
freakyfunky ::: Favorites
I looked at this one more time right now....I recognise it is well done....GUY!!! YOU NOW HOW TO USE VIDEOGAMES!!!! but I find very hateful the body movements of the characters,....but that's not your fault...
07-10-06 18:31:59
freakyfunky ::: Favorites
....ok ok....surely I'm not able to use that videogame....thing that I'm proud for...I can play that song, so I'm not a failure at all 'cause that's not a wasting of time...;) I'm sorry if you mistake my comment for an insult...'cause it is not an insult...but an opinion....(sorry for the bad english)
07-10-06 18:28:53
deeneeteenyweenee ::: Favorites
Sorry, typing this attempt OF an insult, zomgtypoz!
07-10-06 07:17:55
deeneeteenyweenee ::: Favorites
I'd like to see you try anything close to this, don't waste your precious time, typing this attempt in an insult, you're a failure.
07-10-06 07:16:46
03101082 ::: Favorites
very good ...i love this song...this is a great video
07-10-04 19:38:46
freakyfunky ::: Favorites
don't waste your time producing these bullshits....this thing sucks and it's pathetic
07-10-04 13:22:38
JACF7427 ::: Favorites
1.. john doesnt have a combo amp 2... he has alot more pedals then that and 3.. he doesnt have thaqt shity guitar
07-10-04 10:02:46
jackkoslov ::: Favorites
Really? Can you tell me how to put the lights out when I serve the front? Because I work for spetsnaz and I want to show my friends and my comrades this...
07-10-01 13:09:46
jackkoslov ::: Favorites
07-10-01 13:05:17

Insane Boat

Duration: 04:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-01-11 18:55:23
User: doneproduction
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Just fully remodeled w/ re-built engine watch this thing hall ass!


qwerty123758 ::: Favorites
imagine flying with 1 of them manta ray thangs with that boat.
07-02-13 20:56:58
michanic220 ::: Favorites
this boat is crazy because its so tightly tuned it sounds like shit. just like a 900smallblock, like a nascar engine. you gotta keep on it to keep it at idle but when you give it gas it will snap your neck.
07-01-03 14:13:30
econfina1 ::: Favorites
Insane boat? Why is this boat insane?
06-12-21 00:51:37
MovieMakerKeith ::: Favorites
nice boat, but it could be way better with a power jack and trim with a low water pickup do you guys sell antique outboards and mercury towerpowers?
06-12-04 17:14:36
SokiTwopaw ::: Favorites
This by chance wouldnt be a mid/late 1970's Bayliner Tahiti would it? n_n If so my father also has one, metallic blue in perfect shape with the old starflight 90 on it. the boat and motor weight 800lbs and they do scoot! "I didnt get to see the whole video due to slow conenction"
06-09-04 01:52:48
OATSBiscuitchris7 ::: Favorites
I miss my boat...=(
06-08-14 01:44:43
doneproduction ::: Favorites
Sorry, but we had to sell this one. The boat was a beaut and had a Orangish metalic paint job.
06-08-08 16:06:36
doneproduction ::: Favorites
Thanks, yeah it was a beaut. Unfortanley we had to sell this one, we own a OutBoard shop and had re-done this boat on the side.
06-08-08 16:05:42
sushodalap ::: Favorites
Nice set up. What does it top out at?
06-08-03 20:19:24
doneproduction ::: Favorites
Well we werent able to max it out that day due to resavors speed limit, that limit is 45 and we took it up to 50.
06-08-08 16:07:36

Christmas tale by Paul Auster in the movie Smoke

Duration: 05:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-24 06:43:41
User: badhill
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"Innocent when you sleep" of Tom Waits in the movie Smoke written by Paul Auster. it's my way to say Merry Christmas to all youtubers...


paolosiniliuc ::: Favorites
great movie by wang..i suggest u to see Blue in the face.
07-09-23 18:12:55
Vampyrellax ::: Favorites
wonderful,especially the chicken scene!
07-09-13 10:56:36
DancingTillIDie ::: Favorites
This is amazing. Wonderful film-making; wonderful singing.
07-09-03 20:27:03
Aiike ::: Favorites
Tom has a voice of a haunting giant. Thank you for posting! Just perfect!
07-08-14 04:07:43
TheTosun ::: Favorites
I cry like a little baby everytime I watch this portion of the film. Tom Waits... He's unbelievable. Cheers!
07-08-10 15:29:11
OrangeCrushn ::: Favorites
I love this film.
07-08-03 18:43:51
piojo1971 ::: Favorites
Una verdadera joya de la literatura, del cine y de la música. Gracias mil por subir tal genialidad...
07-07-21 20:26:26
airria51 ::: Favorites
innocent when you dream :o) but what the hell ... peace
07-03-01 08:27:29
badhill ::: Favorites
"Innocent when you sleep" of Tom Waits
07-01-21 05:41:02
mahoaga1974 ::: Favorites
whats the name of this song ?
07-01-20 21:37:18

azn rave clip3 2min

Duration: 03:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-01-06 14:09:25
User: aznflayva
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dancing to some aphex twin song title FLIM


solidnem ::: Favorites
You honestly don't look asian at all.
07-08-14 18:31:26
solohxaznxboi ::: Favorites
wow thats nice :P but wuts the title of the song?
06-11-15 23:44:42
SteamMachine ::: Favorites
The track is called "Flim" and it is off the 'Come to Daddy EP' (Misspelling of FLIM is deliberate.)
06-10-31 15:45:09
littlebme ::: Favorites
u need to let it flow instead of tring to fink of what to to next can see hesitation but still good
06-10-24 17:28:22
Hellraider ::: Favorites
I love how the kitty just lies down and watches after you start.
06-09-27 03:20:54
ada34 ::: Favorites
quite good and I like the music
06-08-30 04:00:04
lisatop ::: Favorites
post a vid smart ass other wise STFU
06-07-21 23:20:19
DeuCei ::: Favorites
Yo, im no expert on this, and i think you're great, but if you moved your feet a little more, instead of just stepping, it woudl look awesome. Imagine all that while moonwalking back and forth o.O You got the music, you got the moves, AND you got he pants. keep dancin ^^
06-07-14 03:41:35
kasaz ::: Favorites
thx ! gd rave video
06-05-17 12:09:35
chelsea325 ::: Favorites
i must say that was so beautiful! and peaceful! thank you for putting this one out there.
06-04-23 20:04:46

Shea Seger "Clutch"

Duration: 04:43 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-05 12:24:43
User: purpleparanoid
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Shea Seger "Clutch" music video


Notawesomeatall7 ::: Favorites
I think that in todays world it just wasn't commercial enough.
07-10-12 14:44:20
Notawesomeatall7 ::: Favorites
Great song and I have the album, but what did this video have to do with the song? Maybe there is some metaphor in the video but I liked it.
07-10-12 14:43:58
siikhed ::: Favorites
this song is dedicated to my darling jazz...!
07-10-10 18:57:50
Teenagefreedomfightr ::: Favorites
Its just a cheap female rip-off of cake. That rhythm was in like a 98' cake song.
07-10-08 08:05:07
monkeyeagle ::: Favorites
I saw this video on the Plane on My way to Japan...My 1st stop on My trip to Awesome Australia!Brings back Wonderful Memories!She is Gorgeous,and the song is Great too!!!!!
07-09-21 00:26:36
cocoskanin ::: Favorites
Love this song! I havent found a torrent of it yet, anyone knows where I can find it? / Thanks
07-09-14 14:54:10
XQueenofScotsX ::: Favorites
God I have searched for this song for years! Woo!!
07-09-11 13:54:53
Soulinfection ::: Favorites
beautifull lyrics!
07-09-06 04:14:43
macey83 ::: Favorites
brings back all kind of memories classic
07-08-24 13:18:51
spursbackpacker ::: Favorites
this is one of my favourite songs ever, and i absolutly adore her album. bloody class video too.
07-08-17 14:35:45