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Duration: 05:08 minutes Upload Time: 2008-01-11 10:43:12 User: GordonFr33man :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
The chair videocollage horror execution electric death chamber GordonFr33man Can you feel Jackson5 Jackson Five
Description: Videocollage. Warning, disturbing images. Fried people and animals. Viewer discretion is advised. Rates and comments appreciated. |
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Friday, January 18, 2008
The Chair - Videocollage
Alternate Reality DragonBall Z Episode 2
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Duration: 03:07 minutes Upload Time: 2008-01-16 22:26:40 User: Gozar :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: In This Episode of ARDBZ...Cell has gone too far. What has he done? Watch and find out. |
Comments | |
MySuperWorld ::: Favorites 2008-01-18 04:20:39 thank god this ep is back!!! U ROCK GOZAR!!! __________________________________________________ | |
tehpwnerer19 ::: Favorites 2008-01-18 00:55:21 it was removed by youtube for copyright infringement but is back now __________________________________________________ | |
MysticGohanSucks ::: Favorites 2008-01-17 17:52:52 Ohh yeah one of my top 5 episodes are back thanks Gozar! __________________________________________________ | |
zeromk5 ::: Favorites 2008-01-17 17:52:00 *sigh* Youtube must have removed it. Anyway still a great episode, I love it! __________________________________________________ | |
Naruto5tails ::: Favorites 2008-01-17 17:35:36 W8, i saw this b4! Why the ..... did you post it AGAIN?! __________________________________________________ | |
ancientgearneos ::: Favorites 2008-01-17 17:26:43 best episode is back =] __________________________________________________ | |
trinitoto ::: Favorites 2008-01-17 16:33:28 its morphin time xD __________________________________________________ | |
cobanjo ::: Favorites 2008-01-17 15:30:00 i wonder wat teen gohan will b like __________________________________________________ | |
RDK619 ::: Favorites 2008-01-17 15:20:04 yes hell yeah!!!!!!!!!!! __________________________________________________ | |
jakkratos ::: Favorites 2008-01-17 14:24:22 "mystic.......WHAT WAS THAT!?" __________________________________________________ | |
Fredriklynxx ::: Favorites 2008-01-17 14:06:23 "mystic" X 3 __________________________________________________ | |
vinson555 ::: Favorites 2008-01-17 13:12:28 I really wish they kept the super SS line for gohan no mystic crap. Kid Gohan for life! __________________________________________________ | |
Redx500 ::: Favorites 2008-01-17 13:07:23 Sweet! It's back! __________________________________________________ | |
Maxgrtfox ::: Favorites 2008-01-17 13:04:15 this is my farite too __________________________________________________ | |
ElementalSigma ::: Favorites 2008-01-17 12:46:33 uh, did you repost this? __________________________________________________ |
Tutankhamun's BLACK FACE SEEN FIRST TIME! Tutenkhamen Negro
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Duration: 02:32 minutes Upload Time: 2007-11-04 14:03:44 User: HabibYuleh :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Tutankhamun Tutenkhamen Tutankamun Tutenkamen mummy face egyptian egypt zahi hawas mummified black negro tut
Description: WAS TUTANKHAMUN BLACK OR NOT?? King Tutankhamun has been seen in public for the first time in more than 3,000 years Pictures of Tutankhamun's face: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/11/photogalleries/tut-display/images/primary/face3.jpg http://news.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/spl/hi/pop_ups/07/sci_nat_enl_1194188162/img/1.jpg http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/44217000/jpg/_44217352_composite416x280.jpg http://in.reuters.com/resources/r/?m=02&d=20071104&t=2&i=2110920&w=&r=img-2007-11-04T202707Z_01_NOOTR_RTRMDNC_0_India-303252-1 http://blog.wired.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/11/04/tut2.jpg http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/44217000/jpg/_44217581_afp416lift.jpg http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/44217000/jpg/_44217578_afp416feet.jpg http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/44217000/jpg/_44217579_afp416hawass.jpg News Links: http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&q=Tutankhamun&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wn The mummy of the African boy pharaoh King Tutankhamun is displayed for the first time in public in a special climate-controlled glass showcase after it was taken out of its sarcophagus in Luxor's Valley of the Kings November 4, 2007. WAS HE BLACK AFRICAN OR NOT? EGYPTOLOGIST Zahi Hawass doesn't think so!: "Tutankhamun was not black, and the portrayal of ancient Egyptian civilisation as black has no element of truth to it," Hawass told reporters. http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5iB6u3XEMp9IrJfl-kH6FHNgZCg_A WHAT DO YOU THINK?? WAS TUTANKHAMUN BLACK OR NOT?? |
Comments | |
Phara0h07 ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 13:33:13 Thats bullshit, Here the real look of king tut... watch?v=ICKby9bvBso __________________________________________________ | |
TiffaniChan93 ::: Favorites 2008-01-15 19:25:34 Dumb ass, don't be racist!!!! -_- __________________________________________________ | |
joeocho88 ::: Favorites 2008-01-14 09:58:35 The reason his face is BLACK is because of the mummification chemicals plus the great age of the skin. His nose is sunk in because the supporting cartlidge has rotted away! This video proves nothing to me. Were the Royal Dynsasties of Egypt Black? Does it really matter? What matters is what YOU can do with YOUR life! __________________________________________________ | |
prolaser ::: Favorites 2008-01-12 18:18:45 "The ancient Egyptians were true Negroes of the same type as all Native born Africans".-Count Constatin de Volney Anthoropologist (1727-1820) __________________________________________________ | |
erikfofo ::: Favorites 2008-01-06 04:36:21 That's not my impression, I think most of the peopel interested in this are yanks, I've never seen an issue being discussed with such fervor. Anyway I think you have a point in saying that in the past there was a tendency to say that everything created in Egypt was made by white peopel. I just dont think that's the case TODAY. There were semites in Egypt from the beginning of the Egyptian civilization as can be seen in the Maadi settlement. How many were white is impossible to say. __________________________________________________ | |
jackcrossa ::: Favorites 2008-01-06 02:48:25 Actually the whole world makes a big deal if this, which is why Egypt has been "white washed" for century. __________________________________________________ | |
erikfofo ::: Favorites 2008-01-05 05:46:36 Well, this is an interesting discussion, because how black does a person have to be to be 'really' black? And how white does a person have to be to be 'really' white? Personally I have no problem looking at ancient Egypt as racially mixed, as is proven by the many migrations into Egypt from north and south. So, as one can expect, you see Egyptians show themselves as sometimes white/semitic, black or mulato. Only rootless americans make a big deal out of this ;-) __________________________________________________ | |
jackcrossa ::: Favorites 2008-01-05 01:57:26 People have speculated Tiye was Nubian from her busts, but there is really no evidence that she was a foreignor as her family came from upper Egypt. She simply was an upper Egyptian, and unmistakeably black, (as was Tut's father Akhenaton). __________________________________________________ | |
erikfofo ::: Favorites 2008-01-04 15:13:42 When I say white I mean that some Egyptians look like Southeuropeans (f.ex.Greeks or Turks), others like Arabs or Jews. That's enough to be white for me. I once knew an Egyptian who was married to my fathers sister, he looked like an Italian. So I don't understand how you can say that there are no white Egyptians. __________________________________________________ | |
NaseerHammed ::: Favorites 2008-01-04 14:33:07 such a cool name such a dumb ass point of view though... but the name still rocks... but the coolness is outweighed by such a dumbass point of view. Peace out my nigga __________________________________________________ | |
NaseerHammed ::: Favorites 2008-01-04 14:31:17 False, not white. The Greeks and romans who invaded egypt were not egyptians, they were europeans. The egyptians come in every color except white, and even saying black is a stretch, many african nationalist try to say that egyptians were black but they are refering to the nubians who are south of egypt but migrated and at one point ruled egypt for a small time as well. __________________________________________________ | |
erikfofo ::: Favorites 2008-01-04 12:01:33 I'm not surprised by that, if you look at the genealogy of Tut's dynasty there was at least one black woman, as far I remember his grandmother, queen Tiye or something like that, was from Nubia, possibly also some of his other ancestors. Having said that, it doesn't necessarily mean that he was 'pure' black, Egyptians come in all colors, white, black, mulato, arabic/semitic. This is a very old phenomenon as can be seen by the great racial diversity shown in Egyptian art. __________________________________________________ | |
jackcrossa ::: Favorites 2008-01-04 01:59:53 The bog mummies features are cleary European. The features of Tut's mummies are unmistakeably "Ethiopian" in comparison. As Susan Anton (anthropologist on American team working on Tut's mummy) pointed out, "The shape of (Tut's) cranial cavity indicated an African". :) __________________________________________________ | |
erikfofo ::: Favorites 2008-01-02 13:48:59 Interesting. He looks like the bog mummies that we have been finding here in Denmark for many years. They are always black. So far noone has been crazy enough to claim that our Iron Age ancestors were blacks, though ;-) __________________________________________________ | |
budgie1handy ::: Favorites 2008-01-01 19:02:34 black or white - who cares - we are all equal __________________________________________________ |
A Million Ways
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Duration: 03:20 minutes Upload Time: 2006-05-12 01:01:00 User: Willie41288 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Willie, Alex, Jared, and Steven perform the "A Million Ways" dance by Ok Go at Brown Bag Theater. |
Comments | |
katiexb ::: Favorites 2007-03-19 02:55:38 better than *Nsync - like woah!!! __________________________________________________ | |
goldmagistrate ::: Favorites 2006-06-11 22:41:35 Nicely done. It's a shame you guys didn't win./ __________________________________________________ |
Fantasma di ragazza, documento raro (sottotit. in italiano)
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Duration: 07:57 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-05 13:31:11 User: SulFiloDeiRicordi :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Il video, sottotitolato in italiano, di una ragazza fantasma e del suo terrore |
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minotauro94 ::: Favorites 2008-01-18 07:22:53 Che palla __________________________________________________ | |
DarkSkorpionX ::: Favorites 2008-01-16 16:26:51 ma dai!!!!!! sembra un filmano in CG!!! __________________________________________________ | |
rocksporck ::: Favorites 2008-01-15 09:08:56 Scrivi su google "Teresa Fidalgo False" e scegli il sito di un certo Jimmy Sau...scopri la verità...ciao ciao __________________________________________________ | |
ro101010 ::: Favorites 2008-01-15 08:40:14 è quello che dico anch'io con la tecnologia di oggi si può fare qualsiasi cosa, io ho visto di tutto ma fino a quando non vedro con i miei occhi cose del genere non ci crederò mai __________________________________________________ | |
rockyoursoulgiro1985 ::: Favorites 2008-01-14 16:55:08 x me è finzione, cmq il video è davvero carino __________________________________________________ | |
miraflower ::: Favorites 2008-01-13 13:41:57 bhà...... misteri della vita.. __________________________________________________ | |
rocksporck ::: Favorites 2008-01-11 11:22:08 Provate a scrivere in google "Teresa Fidalgo False" e cliccate sul sito di un certo Jimmy Sau...avrete la risposta __________________________________________________ | |
Lnmar ::: Favorites 2008-01-10 09:41:53 Dov'è scritto che l'auto si capovolge?Nell'ultima immagine anzi si vedono acceleratore e freno(cambio automatico?)e se ci fate caso anche delle gocce di sangue che cadono con tanto di suono(da sx a dx,visto che la telecamera è caduta di lato).Filmato ben realizzato.Suggestivo il fatto che al momento dell'urlo nel volto di Teresa compaiano delle ferite(quella al setto nasale la più evidente).Tuttavia resta abbastanza falsificabile. __________________________________________________ | |
rocksporck ::: Favorites 2008-01-09 09:49:31 Siamo nel 2008...ragazzi non potete dire che paura...su youtube girano tantissimi video sola...e poi dai questo non è un incidente mortale!! Complimenti agli attori __________________________________________________ | |
evanescenzo92 ::: Favorites 2008-01-09 09:01:41 raga io nn credo che sia vero soprattutto nel momento dell'incidente....che ne pensate?? __________________________________________________ | |
DariuS1138 ::: Favorites 2008-01-09 06:04:36 potevate fare di meglio... l'atmosfera più o meno è quella giusta,la interferenze della telecamera sono banali effetti,la macchina che si capovolge ci mette troppo poco rispetto alla frenata. e tante altre cose che non sto a spiegare... __________________________________________________ | |
vincy9986 ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 16:30:30 miedo... __________________________________________________ | |
simy1508 ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 14:27:33 mica fa tanto paura __________________________________________________ | |
ginevramartino ::: Favorites 2008-01-08 02:47:42 mamma mia!! __________________________________________________ | |
davidino122 ::: Favorites 2008-01-07 13:40:55 si david raccontami allora.....com'è andata? __________________________________________________ |
Charo Live on Guitar
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Duration: 00:56 minutes Upload Time: 2007-07-16 18:56:14 User: wisteria321 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Me very close to Charo. Me and my mom and sister went to see her at her concert at our casino. It was kool seeing her. She wasnt even on a stage. She gave me a camera to take a picture of her and my cousin. She also wanted me to Dance with her...that wasn't going to happen. Lmao |
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NCSA Summer 2007 2
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Duration: 00:53 minutes Upload Time: 2007-07-23 23:58:57 User: tinyteendancer15 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: funny gurls |
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stillwellhung ::: Favorites 2007-12-19 21:15:49 Dam cocking n poping dat hot lil azz huh ma!! __________________________________________________ |
Wii sports boxing
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Duration: 00:14 minutes Upload Time: 2007-01-05 04:29:35 User: whosdadog :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: tu boxing her heart out in wii sports boxing |
Comments | |
whosdadog ::: Favorites 2007-05-29 17:55:11 nothing __________________________________________________ | |
NITRATE911 ::: Favorites 2007-05-28 00:10:03 what's so funny about it? __________________________________________________ |