Friday, September 21, 2007

Re: Harassment.....Really?

Duration: 02:51 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-28 10:44:53
User: fehquig
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Personnel departments and those working there strike me as the most useless thing ever invented. They keep having to justify their existence, and this taking of political correctness to a ludicrous extreme only reinforces the assessment of uselessness. Beware! I use some powerful BAD words in this video. Prenatal discretion is advised!


FreeGlobalEnergy ::: Favorites
On my ink cartridge it has the different languages for the word Black one is negro and then there are Nigerians and the republic of Niger which may be where the word Nigger was derived from, and is pretty much deemed a racial slur but only if white people say it, it's meaning shifts to a friendly gesture if black people say it to each other. What a strange world we live in.
07-08-29 00:23:16
FreeGlobalEnergy ::: Favorites
Black people were negro then colored then black then African American Which now seems to used for all black people regardless of their origin such as if a black man robs a liquor store and the news media will say they are looking for an African American male, so now the crime is blamed on an African decent when he could be a decent from some other black nation.
07-08-29 00:22:57
FreeGlobalEnergy ::: Favorites
How many of you can tell how I would be reprimanded in an office environment but people are too stupid to see that each white generation feels uncomfortable with the previous generations reference to race.
07-08-29 00:22:20
FreeGlobalEnergy ::: Favorites
All of that sure is a mouthful so now if I want to join in and be politically correct that it makes it more complicated because now I am Irish American, Dutch American, French American, Scottish American, English American, German American and Japanese American. What a crock of shit, what idiot thought of that. There is nothing wrong with White, Black, Yellow
07-08-29 00:00:36
FreeGlobalEnergy ::: Favorites
Now what if I want to go along with the political correctness, you have African Americans, Native Americans, Jamaican Americans etc. Well I am a mixture of races which are Irish, Dutch, French, Scottish, English, German and Japanese. (My ancestors certainly loved all races)
07-08-29 00:00:21
FreeGlobalEnergy ::: Favorites
If I describe a black man as African American I could be wrong, he could be Jamaican or another culture, so to me he is black. Native American, they are still Indians to me, why? I am white, I was born in Colorado so I am considered a Native Coloradoan, but I was also born in America so that makes me and everyone born in America Native Americans.
07-08-28 23:59:49
FreeGlobalEnergy ::: Favorites
read wikipedia description, just because you poke fun at different races does not imply that you think you are superior. Racism involves hate and violence. I refuse to be politically correct.
07-08-28 23:58:48
FreeGlobalEnergy ::: Favorites
but these days it is racist if I nick name a Mexican Speedy Gonzales or a white guy Beaver Cleaver, the difference is white people aren't sensitive as the other races are about stereo types. My son agreed that the Jello commercial was racist.
07-08-28 23:58:21
FreeGlobalEnergy ::: Favorites
This was labeled as racist video and people were fighting over this. I spent a long time trying to tell people the difference from real racism and humor or comedy and it's not just aimed at non-whites hence al's video white and nerdy and for the most part stereo types are correct and people simply find humor in that with no evil intent.
07-08-28 23:57:43
FreeGlobalEnergy ::: Favorites
I'm with you, slightly off topic I hear my 12 yr old son's version of racist and I realize the load of crap he is being taught in schools. on youtube someone posted a 1950's jello commercial where they say, something like, poor Chinese baby can't eat jello with chop sticks, but Chinese mother give Chinese baby American invention called spoon, now Chinese baby can enjoy strawberry, Lemon and Lime.
07-08-28 23:57:04

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