Thursday, September 13, 2007

Laura Ingraham's Disgusting Remarks At Iowa Straw Poll

Duration: 04:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-12 13:50:56
User: 1sageee
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Laura Ingraham's disgusting, condescending, disparaging remarks at the Iowa straw poll, directed toward Ron Paul and his supporters, is an outrage. A formal written and public apology must be demanded. Laura Ingraham is the lowest form of life, in my book.

Frozenphilx ::: Favorites
I don't get what she said that was so wrong?
07-09-12 19:24:49
TheSorr0w ::: Favorites
Laura Ingraham kicks ass man, I don't know what the hell your talking about.
07-09-12 12:05:38
R3SURRECTED ::: Favorites
Good vid. Already tired of the political rhetoric and polarization and it's not even an election year. Everybody needs to find common ground instead of entrenching and fortifying with stupid debates. Oh well, that won't happen.
07-09-11 21:20:22
avoozl07 ::: Favorites
your name sucks.
07-09-11 01:42:19
avoozl07 ::: Favorites
jonedelleman Ron Paul represents Ron Paul...don't be a fucking moron. Go Hillary!
07-09-11 01:42:08
Gonzo707 ::: Favorites
Who is a "911 conspiracy theorist?" I know it must be frustrating that Ron Paul is getting so much support from all different types of people, but devolving into desperate attempts to connect him to 911 conspiracy theories is flat-out ridiculous and dishonest, and Fox News already has their hands full with doing that.
07-09-10 15:10:01
Gonzo707 ::: Favorites
lol...No, there really are people who want to be BOUNTY HUNTERS and NOT soldiers. I met a bounty hunter in person who was planning to go overseas and help track Bin Laden around a year after 911 happened. Just a very-well built black guy who had had a lot of experience as a PI and as a bodyguard in the past- none in the army. Bounty hunters are real and they existed a long time before Boba Fett and Dog, folks.
07-09-10 14:52:10
frisconation ::: Favorites
it almost seems like ingraham and coulter should be married, or are secretly rubbing each other the right way......well ultimately for everyone else that would be the wrong way.......BITCH TALKING ABOUT 24.....being a national referendum, i rest my case, whatever it may be
07-09-10 12:22:08
Gonzo707 ::: Favorites
Then go get busy voting for another candidate/CFR member and NAU supporter who promises you to be "tough on illegal immigration," suspiciously without eliminating all the entitlements and welfare that attract them in droves in the first place and not seeking to change the "anchor baby" rule. Soon it might not matter where the border is.
07-09-09 18:28:09
Gonzo707 ::: Favorites
^ of the more artful ways Ive heard the word cunt used. lol
07-09-09 18:22:31

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