Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bush and Howard Talk Defence (September 2008) NWO

Duration: 06:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-07 01:49:48
User: DC180
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Sydney (Reuters) Early September 2008 President George W. Bush and Australia's Prime Minister John Howard met beside Sydney Harbour to discuss progress in Iraq and a new defense deal ahead of an Asia-Pacific leaders' summit. Bush and Howard are expected to sign an agreement which grants the Australian military greater access to classified information on US weapons, in part to allow their militaries to work better together. The US president, whose arrival in Sydney has spurred a virtual lockdown on the city, was scheduled to meet with Howard's national security committee before lunching with Australian troops on Sydney Harbour. Bush is one of 20 world leaders in Australia for the APEC summit that will take place on Saturday and Sunday.


flavour54 ::: Favorites  2007-11-26 04:04:22

Shame, disciplining students for protesting. Conditioning them during their teen years that exercising their RIGHT to protest is wrong. Classic example of "Bad monkey, no banana"
flavour54 ::: Favorites  2007-11-26 03:58:59

I feel sick. "leader of the free world" "a straight talker". Did anybody notice the masonic handshake between them. I feel he signed our country up to become a small part of a larger country. He can sign a document, tell nobody what it is, and nobody asks any questions. If you think Rudd is our saviour, think again. Each leader who represents us from now on is here to slowly erode our rights in the game of the totalitarian tip-toe. My opinion, take it or leave it.
FreeGlobalEnergy ::: Favorites  2007-11-05 21:32:12

Not Good. Nobody ever learns from U.S. History. American Indians always said white man (US Government) speaks with forked tongue, then killed off most of the Indians. We invade Countries for false reasons, kill people in the trillions, The CIA is the most dangerous terrorist organization there is. America leaders do not care about others, they lie and cheat then to take Australians to fight in an illegal war. see my website research.
moakley ::: Favorites  2007-10-14 00:09:54

dumb fucking waggers
flavour54 ::: Favorites  2007-10-12 18:45:49

Hey Kronosphere have you seen wtc7 collapse? "wtc7 bbc early"
Kronosphere1 ::: Favorites  2007-09-27 10:16:10

EsotericDesi, your the moron. were u one of the stupid protester shaming my glorious country of Australia?
Kronosphere1 ::: Favorites  2007-09-27 10:14:07

good job protestors! thats the way! go make australia look bad. while your at it go hang yourselves, do me, and any other proud australian a favor. you are a heap of fags and i hope u all die. go move to antarctica, tell it to the polar bears cause us normal people dont give a rats ass! there i feel better now =)
EsotericDesi ::: Favorites  2007-09-24 10:46:31

Both are morons... that's why they're the "Brothers in Arms."

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