Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ron Paul in The Situation Room w/ Wolf Blitzer 11-8-07

Duration: 08:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-08 16:35:43
User: ScaningTheWaves
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Dr. Paul interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on CNN's The Situation Room 11-8-07


ghostandgoblins ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 11:09:22

This guys is the last chance america has. You guys better wake the fuck up.
omaits ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 11:09:31

Wolf is a douche and has an obvious agenda.
grandpoobarr ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 11:20:00

but the name, wolf blitzer, sexy.
grandpoobarr ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 11:20:44

i take it Ron Paul is now a situation that is happening, how will CNN resolve this situation?
henryst1 ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 11:27:25

DillonX, your toll-free number doesn't work. "Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number and dial again." all I get. Further, if Dr. Paul is excluded from the debate, that will be the definitive proof the fix is in.
machphantom ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 11:30:58

As a political science major in college, what Dr. Paul says, and how amazingly he handles any question thrown at him, should be heralded. The guy says what he believes to be true... you don't see that too much these days.
AcePilot101 ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 11:33:50

get on board the ron paul revolution Slow train..bob dylan We're mad as hell (Network) Democrats? Haven't trusted 'em since Henry Wallace and
jeffuehrer ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 12:21:27

it's funny. wolf is a sheep. oxymoron. racism, communism, fascism, terrorism are all concoctions of the powers that be, namely rothchilds, rockafellers, 13 royal bloodlines, illuminati, j.p. morgan, skull and bones & bohemian club members to divide the people and conquer them for enslavement in the new world order. they own the money, they own the government, both domestic and international, they own the media, they own hollywood, they own us.
Beatleha ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 12:53:16

How about for once we stop thinking about what a President will do for each of us persoanlly, take responsiblity for ourselves, and allow the man to do the job our forefathers intended the job to be. Dr.Ron Paul is the ONLY Candidate with a congressional record with Constitutional Integrity.
DillonX ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 13:09:57

Talk is cheap. If FOX is serious about inviting RON PAUL to the Dec 4th GOP Iowa debate... THEN SEND RON PAUL AN INVITATION! And then I will shut up.
Molari ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 13:12:59

awesome... this was the biggest attack against Ron Paul that Wold Blitzer could mount, and Ron Paul wacked it back into kingdom come :) WOOOOO nice to see he's finally moving up in the propaganda polls too.
cv1122 ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 13:37:55

MentalMuse ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 13:39:40

I have a bad feeling about Giuliani. The problem with our voting system is that most people do not really research the candidates. They vote for whomever their church or the biased media tell them to vote for. It seems to me that everyone so far who really looked into what the candidates stand for support Ron Paul. America, wake the F up and start thinking for yourself!
goodinohio ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 14:01:32

You think Blitzer is a neocon? Oh my.
Sk00L ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 14:03:22

LOL I love it! Congress has puts up a vote and Ron Paul reaches for his wallet to pay out of his own pocket rather then taking it from the tax payers. His integrity is epic! RP FTW!

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