Thursday, September 6, 2007


Duration: 05:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-02 11:15:15
User: calista48
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Ever since Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization signed the Declaration of Principles in September 1993—the first of several agreements in the Oslo process—Palestinians have suffered systematic human rights abuses, especially of their economic, social and cultural rights

vistavision2 ::: Favorites
human & civil rights, (e) borders and security; and ph 13 "the whole administration shall be in charge of of the provisional councils...[including provincial councils- Gaza]" The period expired for the State of Israel with UNGA 273 in accordance with UN Charter article 78 "the trusteeship system shall not apply to territories which have become Members of the United Nations, relationship among which shall be based on respect for the principle of sovereign equality"
07-08-16 13:38:20
vistavision2 ::: Favorites
said incorporation would be a Provisional Council of government with the powers and functions UNGA181, part I, B.: Ph 8 miltia, "...for internal order"; Ph 9- hold Constitutional Assembly [constitutional congress] with the powers functions of ph 10 (a) legislature and executive bodies, (b) approbatiinternational treaties, (c) international law obligations, (d) pasage of bills in adherence to
07-08-16 13:38:03
vistavision2 ::: Favorites
UNGA181, part I, A., "4 the period between the adoption by the General Assembly of its receoomendation of Palestine and the estalishment of the independence of the Arab and Jewish States shall be a transtional period." Whereas, said transitional period is IN EFFECT until that time when the State of Palestine is INCORPORATED through 1-5 pathways stated above of which the BOUNDARIES are demaracted in UNGA181 Part II Boundaries, REGARDLESS of occupation.
07-08-16 13:26:18
vistavision2 ::: Favorites
voluntarily placed under the system by states responsibile for their administration."- The United Nations organization is the authority that has assumed said international law obligations in accordance with UN Charter article 81, "...Such authority, hereinafter called the adminsitering authority, may be...the Orgnaization *ITSELF." * caps are mine.
07-08-16 13:10:57
vistavision2 ::: Favorites
The State of Palestine exists,e.g., UNGA181; the israeli position that 'there was no soveriegn in the occupied territories is fallacious of which it is based on UNGA181, part I, A., "1.The Mandate for Palestine shall terminate as asoon as possible but in any case not later than 1 August 1948." is RESPECTIVE OF the UK international law obligations as Trustee of UN Charter 77, "c. territories
07-08-16 13:10:41
vistavision2 ::: Favorites
a multi-lateral international law instrument of agreement, explcitely reference UNGA181, of israel "unreservedly accepting the obligations of the United Nations Charter..." of which the very same UNGA181 is the foundation for its position "right-to-exist", e.g, UNGA181 Part II Boundaries.
07-08-16 12:58:33
vistavision2 ::: Favorites
welcome. The issue is of the state of israel recognizing that it indeed has internatioanal law obligations respective of self: israel declaration of independence and UNGA 273 recognition of government and admission to UN,
07-08-16 12:58:20
calista48 ::: Favorites
thanks for the comments
07-08-16 12:45:07
vistavision2 ::: Favorites
Pathway 3. PA PLC introduces a bill; Pathway 4. PLO National Council amends PLO charter respectively Pathway 5. Any combinaton of the above; that incorporates Hamas membership- as citizens of the UNGA181 State of Palestine.
07-08-15 18:08:21
vistavision2 ::: Favorites
Any Israel-Palestine interim agreement shall comply with International Laws to be valid. Pathway 1: Any issue by a an agency of UNGA181 State of Palestine's provisional council of government may petition the Consitutional Court as the Supreme Court of the UNGA181 State of Palestine to render a verdict. Pathway 2. Constitutional Congress;
07-08-15 18:08:07

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