Saturday, August 25, 2007

SAILOR MOON Music Video. Bootylicious!

Duration: 04:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-05 13:45:31
User: realBdude
:::: Favorites

I DO NOT OWN SAILOR MOON/THE SONG USED.THIS VIDEO IS PURELY FAN-MADE, NOT FOR PROFIT. !FOR DUDE!ATENTIE! Acest videoclip este facut pe aceasta melodie BOOTYLICIOUS performed by DESTINY`S CHILD), care, pentru unii, probabil, nu s-ar potrivi, dar eu cred ca acest "I don`t think you`re ready for this jelly" poate insemna si faptul ca ea (Usagi) nu ar fi pregatita pentru intalnirea cu Raul (ci doar cu Mamoru). Pt restul care nu inteleg romaneste ... Vizionare placuta! Enjoy this one! PS: Yeah ... I know you`re all sick of my Dracula MVs! Well, here`s something different... PS':Ignorati subtitrarile! Sau ma rog .. daca vreti ..

GroovyChris ::: Favorites
nice work on the lip sync ^^
07-07-06 07:29:39
Hiroko819 ::: Favorites
Wow! I don't care much for Destiny's Child and I've never watched Sailor Moon, but I still really liked that! I thought it was really well made. I'm giving it five stars! ^^ Keep up the good work!
07-07-06 01:14:10
babypersia ::: Favorites
this is so awsome i am guessin u used vegas i got that program last week n no clue how to use it so i am still usin wmm :S...i hope i can make good amvs with it one day like u :)
07-07-06 00:25:24
realBdude ::: Favorites
don`t worry, you`ll learn! it`s easy :)
07-07-06 02:11:02
Malakai27Moonstone ::: Favorites
Dude, who the fuck is raul? there is no raul in sailor moon!
07-07-05 16:04:43
realBdude ::: Favorites
dude, it`s evil. not raul :)) (cum spuneam )
07-07-05 16:25:53
TwilightWings ::: Favorites
I love it!
07-07-05 15:57:48
Malakai27Moonstone ::: Favorites
TwilightWings, this user can make vids almost as good as mine. please check out more of her stuff ;)
07-07-05 16:01:57
TwilightWings ::: Favorites
Trust me, I am!
07-07-05 16:08:53
realBdude ::: Favorites
hey! sorry for that reply. it wasn`t for you, was for malakai moonstone. hope you don`t mind :"> btw, I`m glad you like my vid. I`m not an anime fan, I was just makin an experiment with sailor moon (they`re my fav cartoons since i was a small kid)... and ...ta dha ... :) and i`m really startin to like furuba :d maybe i should start makin AMVs ... :D
07-07-05 16:39:10
realBdude ::: Favorites
dude, acu te-ai apucat sa-mi faci reclama :)) love ya man! too bad i can`t do the same for you :-< la cati friends am in lista si la cat de mult adora clipurile mele ...
07-07-05 16:28:00
Malakai27Moonstone ::: Favorites
Jesus Christ!!!!! I can't believe my eyes. A Sailor Moon video?? From you???? And it's a damn good one too! *hipnotised look*
07-07-05 15:21:19
realBdude ::: Favorites
dude, i`ve fuckin promised you, man ! :>:>
07-07-05 15:24:36
vimann ::: Favorites
si " my body is too bootylicous for you " inseamna ca este intr-o forma fizica buna ca sa apere planeta(si ca sa ia 10 la sport la bac) ! It all makes sense now!!!
07-07-05 14:01:05

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