Friday, August 24, 2007

President Bush, I support you

Duration: 05:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-18 20:52:33
User: Yokeup
:::: Favorites

I think President Bush is doing a great job and I thank him for the job he is doing and the sacrifice and difficulty he endures for all of us Americans... God Bless America, and God bless our President.

jgadms ::: Favorites
Bush is a 'man of God' in the same way that Yokeup is a presidential candidate - in name only. Seriously man, there are people freaking out here like it's the apocalypse - this is 'the fruit' of a good president? It's your kind of mindless support, in which you only seem to lack 'enough information' when it comes to formulating criticism, that got America into the paranoid mess in which it finds itself. And you will love Hillary - she'll straighten you right out.
07-08-22 22:51:53
Yokeup ::: Favorites
I would agree that Hillary will be the best thing for this country (long-term), She will make such a mess of things that people will "feel the pain", like we still do from Jimmy Carter, and be more inclined to vote with some intelligence and wisdom for a few cycles... Hillary in 08 = Pain.... then gain for America.
07-08-23 07:17:48
christmas3399 ::: Favorites
I agree with you!! I think Bush is doing a great job and those people that disagree don't understand what he goes through. I think whether you agree or disagree we should hold our president in our prayers
07-08-22 13:42:28
Yokeup ::: Favorites
Amen sister, but hold onto your hats, these people are not going to like hearing anything nice about our President... I have a follow-up video that is shot, but needs editing where I share two, specific miracles resulting from being obedient to God and doing this video... stay tuned.
07-08-22 13:49:49
christmas3399 ::: Favorites
well, I can only tell them that God puts in office who he wants and we don't always know why
07-08-22 15:25:31
NoFaithTheist ::: Favorites
lol God put Pol Pot in office so I don't think you can't use that as an argument for George Bush being virtuous.
07-08-22 18:07:09
ckrieger36 ::: Favorites
christmas..Amen sister!
07-08-22 13:49:54
BethanStein ::: Favorites
The only reason Bush put our asses in Iraq is for fucking oil, he isn't doing shit for our country. No sacrifices, he's as dumb as my dogs 5 day old feces. Fuck bush. Any intelligent person would see behind all the conspiracy and the lies, open your eyes. Just wow, thats ridiculous.
07-08-22 13:17:34
Yokeup ::: Favorites
Thank you for your comment and I Praise God that you are no where near any decision making position for our awesome country.. Praise God.
07-08-22 13:37:34
BethanStein ::: Favorites
Well, that sure was mean. I only speak the truth. I apologize for my language but when I see someone supporting a monkey, I go off, lol. Our country is going downhill fast, no matter how hard you try to deny it, everyone knows this country is going to rock bottom, it's all good now, but...well, its gonna take too long to explain.
07-08-23 22:52:06
z777z ::: Favorites
D4 shawn You are a sick atheist pervert,anyone who makes a video that defends sex with children has no right to preach about morals (you should be locked up) btw atheists are the greatest mass murderers in the history books Atheists Stalin,Moa,polpot,Lenin murdered 100 million people they made the crusades look like a tea party,Genghis Khan was an atheist as well
07-08-22 11:59:26
D4Shawn ::: Favorites
What point could I possibly make? We all know how bloody and brutal Christianity is (both in terms of it's history and it's scripture). We all know how bloody and brutal war is (the atrocities and horror of it all). We all know that the perpetual cycle of violence and oppression are the bane of human existence. What can one possibly say to people who like it that way?
07-08-21 19:26:54
z777z ::: Favorites
All will see in the end ,that means all Zionism = Antichrist global goverment,thats who they are and nothing besides
07-08-21 19:25:03
z777z ::: Favorites
Hillary = Zionist lapdog Europe,USA,Turkey,Pakistan,China,African nations are all Zionist controlled (only Iran is free of the world bank) theres many sides to the game and the zionists control nearly all of them,they have real Power,they are building satans kingdom to be ruled by one (Antichrist) Its all in the Bible ADL = zionist attack dog and hatred for christians
07-08-21 19:23:22
ckrieger36 ::: Favorites
z777z...I agree with you..there's nothing that can really be's going to happen. However, those involved are going to have a hefty price to pay when they face the Lord. Vengence is mine says the Lord!
07-08-21 21:07:44
z777z ::: Favorites
There will be a staged terror attack in the USA and martial law declared,mark my words,maybe you will wake up when you are thrown in a Fema camp The UK 77 bombs = inside job btw you support open borders if you support Bush because thats US goverment policy THE NWO is coming and is the work of satans children like Zionist puppets Bush and Blair Zionism = Hatred for God
07-08-21 17:01:01
ckrieger36 ::: Favorites
z777z...What's your take on Hillary??...Just curious.
07-08-21 18:42:26
Yokeup ::: Favorites
I support my President or my country... President Bush and the United States of America.
07-08-21 16:49:43
Yokeup ::: Favorites
and... Britan was attacked since 911... you guys are more vulnerable than the U.S. and yet you are pulling support for the war in Iraq.. do you think that makes sense?
07-08-21 16:48:45
Yokeup ::: Favorites
You're making a HUGE leap here... to put those accusations on President Bush.. You have zero proof, only heresay.... and once again... what is your focus? do you want to condem our President? is that your focus? or is it knowing the truth? If you want the truth.... seek God and He will point you in the direction of the truth.. satan is running wild with your imagination... don't let satan control you.
07-08-21 16:47:13

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