Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-21 18:07:59
User: adiblasi
:::: Favorites


phaseless ::: Favorites
it's funny that the videos picture is the view of the sign.
07-04-29 14:53:59
3Deity ::: Favorites
There is a coffee that sells for £500 a small jar in London and it is made from cat poo. I kid you not, these little creatures live in the rain forest off berries and natives collect the deposits. I believe it is an acquired taste. >ahem<
07-04-29 18:45:05
cellularnarcotic ::: Favorites
IBS Latte?
07-05-02 08:26:56
JcDizon ::: Favorites
lol ass coffee
07-05-02 10:47:16
grandplans ::: Favorites
I remember watching something about that on tv. the collect the berries out of that animal's poo and they gring that up to make coffee. everyone says, who has tried it anyway, that it's good. LOL!!! I believe I'll pass!!! :0)
07-06-09 09:38:42
grandplans ::: Favorites
Boy oh Boy!! I'm so happy I quit drinking coffee!! lol!! No ass coffee for me thank you very much!
07-06-09 09:40:07
bestrada22 ::: Favorites
Ahhhh lol this had me laughing for hours hahaha.
07-06-23 23:50:09
coasterfanryan ::: Favorites
lol =)
07-07-26 02:43:40
TomRoykouff ::: Favorites
Next time people ask me, why don't I drink coffee (Because I don't)? I think I'll tell them about this place!How on Earth did you ever find this place, Uncle Alfred? What are the prices like? Just wondering.
07-08-05 19:31:46
MultimediaJay ::: Favorites
Bad Ass Coffee. LOL. There's also a fan manufacturer called Big Ass Fans. =D Google them. LOL.
07-08-21 00:26:52

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