Sunday, January 6, 2008

Why do feminists not give a damn about honor killings?

Duration: 04:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-03 14:36:27
User: mayalove
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This vent was made around the time of the murder of Aqsa Parvez in Canada, but now there is news of an "honor" killing in Dallas, Texas. Will feminists remain silent as this problem gets worse and worse? And it will get really bad in due time. This problem will be just as big as it is in the UK today.


mousepotato64 ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 04:11:27

"Appeasers are people who will feed the alligators with the hope they will be eaten last." Feminist groups care naught about women. Only power and control.
onepeachykeen ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 03:21:16

praskovia13,Yes,Allah the pimp(Satan/curse in Hebrew)just has women on earth mostly as baby machines and in paradise(whore house)has virgins used and abused by mostly former terrorists,perverts,reprobates and ignorants.
onepeachykeen ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 03:14:34

Quran 18:74-81 Man teaches Moses and kills an innocent boy because they "feared" he would opress his parents by rebellion and disbelief.If that's not a type of honour killing,what is?
praskovia13 ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 23:16:32

honour killings generally involve chastity, islamic women get raped, then publicly executed for "crimes against chastity" when they r promptly dispached to paradise to become a sperm bucket for the slaughtering slaying murdering suicide jihadis
mayalove ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 15:39:07

I am not implying the left is silent because of racism, and neither is Robert Spencer.
theeProphet ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 11:03:46

Left comes from Latin and old Hebrew meaning SINISTER, WRONG, WEAK. Right comes from Latin and old Hebrew meaning GOOD, Proper, Strong. So, Leftist = ¿¿¿ See My piece on the Hijab... It adds support to Rob Spencer. ☺☺☺
PotheadPundit ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 09:36:48

So true. Feminism has fallen into the web of cultural sensitivity.
SturmpionierSH ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 09:01:43

Letf + Islam = friends
truevoiceofsanity ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 01:01:33

When they do, you put on your racist hat and say its racially motivated. Well, I was really pissed off when a muslim girl was killed in my country by her father. Equally pissed off when Farah Khan was chopped to pieces by her sh1t of step father. I still see muslims everyday, I respect and know they are not like this. I dont really understand nuances but there it is
truevoiceofsanity ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 01:00:29

In short, you are saying apparently, hey nobody (like the Daily Show, ..., Michael Moore, ) notices this Islamo-fascism on the left? .
truevoiceofsanity ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 00:56:11

In that case, how did you learn about it? Anyway, in Canada, when we have honour killings. (Including ones done by Sikh father angry about daughters dating marrying/whites) it makes the news.
truevoiceofsanity ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 00:54:37

Can I ask your HONEST motivation? Might it be related to the extremely complex conflict in israel? But yes, left is always Very pissed off about honour killings in Islam. Yes feminists are very loud about the intolerance of Islam including: -) honor killings 2) Since victims are muslims you are liar to call it honest hate of muslims. you make no sense. Sorry.
truevoiceofsanity ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 00:49:23

lol. baloney!!!!!!!!!
NoShariaForMe ::: Favorites  2008-01-04 10:06:26

The national media is not reporting on the honor killings in Dallas. U can hardly find a news story on this.

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