Thursday, January 3, 2008

Global Warming: Keep Holding On

Duration: 04:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-19 20:59:24
User: kaizezheng
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It's hot, and only getting hotter, the wildest event that never stops partying until we make a change. The Earth as an ecosystem is changing, attributable in great part to the effects of globalization and man. More carbon dioxide is now in the atmosphere than has been in the past 650,000 years. This carbon stays in the atmosphere, acts like a warm blanket, and holds in the heat — hence the name 'global warming.' All 10 of the hottest years on record, globally, have occurred in the last 15 years. It's real, it's happening, now the question is, What will you do? SOLUTIONS 1. TURN OFF ELECTRONIC DEVICES Simply turning off your TV, DVD Player, or computer, or even a light that you keep on when you're not using them and unplugging your iPods, cell phones and other portables when they're done charging will save thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide per year. 2. PLANT A TREE one single tree can absorb one ton of carbon dioxide in its lifetime. I'm not telling you to go to the nearest Home Depot, buying a tree and sticking it in your back yard, you could always pay an organization to do so. 3. ADJUST YOUR THERMOSTAT (how hard is that?) Just press a button twice to turn the temperature down two degrees in winter and up 2 in summer and you will save 2000 pounds of carbon dioxide per year. 4. DRIVE LESS who doesn't want to drive to places? Why take the time to walk when the rest of the world is still getting to their destinations 60x faster than you? You don't have to! Arrange a carpool, take the metro, just think of it this way, you'll be saving gas money too 5. RECYCLE It's the age-old slogan isn't it? Recycle paper it'll save the world, recycle your bottles, yada yada yada, well perhaps they always say it because it's true! If you recycle half of your household waste, you can save 2400 pounds of carbon dioxide per year! Next time you're shooting for the trash can, shift your aim a little, and place it in the blue bin, where the materials will be turned into something else that you can use That's not so hard is it? All your doing is taking about 5 seconds out of your day to turn off your TV or donating a fragment of money to plant a tree, that does make a difference, I know I've sat on the other side thinking, "yeah right..." but just try it! You'll like the satisfaction. If you think the above is too simple for you, too small-scaled, and you want to do more go to the link below first to see how much Carbon Dioxide you've saved from putting in to the planet and what else you can do:


corruptionbustr ::: Favorites  2008-01-02 16:55:42

According to the founder of the Weather Channel, Global Warming is a scam, only a political tool. It's making Al Gore rich!
washablemarkers136 ::: Favorites  2008-01-02 14:38:10

what i do not understand is how global warming can cause another ice age..can some ones PLEASE explain that concept.
PawsPwnAll3578 ::: Favorites  2008-01-01 13:44:01

Just wondering... but if so many of the people who watch don't believe in GW, Then why are you watching it? To complain to us that our we are stupid for caring for the environment? Or do you secretly care? Hmm...
shannon4994 ::: Favorites  2008-01-01 13:38:00

hi jenny. lol i was just clearing out my email inbox then it said someone replied to my comment on this i checked it and ur comment was very recent so hi!!!
PawsPwnAll3578 ::: Favorites  2008-01-01 13:27:57

Everyone has an opinion, so hear what they have to say, THEN DROP IT! ((shannon... you know i agree with you)) i hate it when people argue! Besides... what everyone is saying is an opinion, not fact, so if your opinion is different, then who cares, drop it! and leave people alone!
marciamellow ::: Favorites  2007-12-31 22:05:21

The debate on global warming is analogized with a Start Trek episode entitled "Force of Nature," where 2 sibling scientists show that warp drive propulsion is harming the very fabric of space in their sector. After the two sound the alarm bell about the problem & the Federation drag their feet on this issue (sound familiar?), the female scientist causes a suicidal warp breach to prove her point.
pupz8muttz ::: Favorites  2007-12-30 15:11:44

Great Job, if you don't mind, I'm passing it out. :) If everyone take part of this, it will be a great change. & If some people decides not to, we can all suffer. It's clear that animals like polar bears are suffering, suffering from our mistakes. Yet, we sit here and just ignore it. 70% of all man kind believes in it, 30% thinks it's fake. I'm only 13 but I can see what's going to happen to the world. Same goes with radioactive stuff, more babies are going to look disfigured.
AnatomicalDeadspace ::: Favorites  2007-12-30 02:20:07

Morano's list of "over 400" alleged climate quibblers includes the usual deniers for hire Fred Singer, Tim Ball, Christoper Monckton, PR people who have no credibility on issues scientific and who each have a handsome record of saying things widely and demonstrably at variance with the truth. R. Littlemore
AnatomicalDeadspace ::: Favorites  2007-12-30 02:15:57

Actually the debate is in the mainstream media due to lobby group propaganda.
densefawg ::: Favorites  2007-12-30 01:46:33

all deniers of man made gw are right. sun cycle 23 & 24. hold onto your hat for 24 its just starting just research nasa info. im so sick of you al gore believers. the seas may rise a whole 24 in. max. oh no high tide will be a little higher. put on your waders you gofer.
kitkitoski ::: Favorites  2007-12-29 19:49:13

i labs song
vsaluki ::: Favorites  2007-12-29 13:06:01

"There is no debate in the literature." If your idea of "the literature" is the funny papers, I guess that's true.
AnatomicalDeadspace ::: Favorites  2007-12-29 12:38:10

All the deniers are people who would have you believe that there is a legitimate scientific debate going on as to whether AGW exists. There is no debate in the literature.
jizzmonger ::: Favorites  2007-12-29 01:16:11

Old age is caused by Global Warming
vsaluki ::: Favorites  2007-12-29 00:54:25

The US Senate Committe on Environment and Public Works has just issued a report in which 400 prominant international scientists say that AGW is a hoax. Google these words and read it for yourself. "Senate 400 Morano Dempsey"

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