Sunday, September 9, 2007

Dinosaurs of a feather flock together

Duration: 07:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-19 17:35:53
User: Desertphile
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Feathers evolved through a series of evolutionary novelties in developmental mechanisms of the follicle and feather germ. The discovery of primitive and derived fossil feathers on a diversity of co eluro saurian theropod dinosaurs documents that feathers evolved and diversified in nonavian theropods before the origin of birds and before the origin of flight. Whatever their function, feathers evolved by selection for a follicle that would grow an emergent tubular appendage. Feathers are inherently tubular structures. Volume 77, No. 3 September 2002 The Quarterly Review of Biology THE EVOLUTIONARY ORIGIN AND DIVERSIFICATION OF FEATHERS Richard O. Prum Alan H. Brush The earliest known feathers appear in the fossil record in Archaeopteryx lithographica. Most specimens of Archaeopteryx are preserved with impressions of the flight feathers of the wings and tail. As yet there are no known fossils of earlier feathered theropod dinosaurs, but it is only a matter of time before they are found.

Pickinbuddy ::: Favorites
Sad?...I'm laughing! How do you plan to explain the Platypus, now?
07-09-09 00:09:11
Desertphile ::: Favorites
"Indeed I AM!" That's your sad problem.
07-09-08 19:51:39
Pickinbuddy ::: Favorites
Ha ha..certainly a theory "for the birds..."
07-09-08 19:02:33
Pickinbuddy ::: Favorites
Indeed I AM!
07-08-21 02:15:09
Desertphile ::: Favorites
"YOU are the one of great "faith"..." No.
07-08-20 23:16:32
Pickinbuddy ::: Favorites
YOU are the one of great "faith"...
07-08-20 00:41:03
Leonesaurus ::: Favorites
One of THE BEST video's based on Dino-Aves I have EVER listen to. It was Exactly what a honest paleontologist would want the world to hear and understand. I agree 100%, archaeopteryx was both a dinosaur and a bird, it is one of the only fossils that we have in our world collection that shows humans dinosaurs evolutionary jump from dinosaurs to birds. Excellent video Desertphile!!
07-07-31 15:38:00
jrcanary ::: Favorites
Arguing that the creation clown is talking out of her horses ass is all well and true, and I commend you for it. The problem is, all you're really doing is contradicting the facts within a piece of propaganda, which I find to be quite fruitless. The facts aren't meant to be true, they're just meant to 'sound' true. You can tell a bunch of creationists anything as long as it support their beliefs, and they will pay money to buy your tapes. Hovind knew this.
07-07-25 12:22:01
Desertphile ::: Favorites
"I can't STAND looking at George W. Bush's god damned face!" I was considering making it my channel icon. :-)
07-06-21 12:41:48
NotSoOldHippy ::: Favorites
I can't STAND looking at George W. Bush's god damned face!
07-06-21 11:34:39

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