Monday, October 1, 2007

The truth about Paypal Reverse Scams JOIN THE FIGHT!

Duration: 06:08 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-25 15:48:27
User: huge2na
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This is a small video about the reverse scammers that prey on sellers and steal their goods. Please if you are a Paypal seller that has been burned comment here and lets get some justice. It's not always the buyer of an item that gets scammed. Sellers get scammed as well. Listen to my story and see what I mean. Rate the video get it featured, make Paypal an ebay company wake up! Here is the email that started the whole thing! Dear XXXXXX XXXXXXX, As you know, we have been using the information you provided to dispute a chargeback filed against the transaction detailed below. Despite our best efforts, the buyer's credit card company decided in favor of the buyer. Unfortunately, we do not control the outcome of the chargeback decision reached by the buyer's issuing bank in a credit card transaction. By accepting the terms of the PayPal User Agreement, you agreed to accept the decision of the issuing bank as final and legally binding for this type of dispute. Please review the information below for more details about this case. After getting this I filed a complaint to IC3 and the buyer sent the item to Paypal. Paypal then sent me this email Dear XXXXX XXXXX, One of your buyers has completed a chargeback of their payment through their credit card company and returned merchandise to us for the following transaction: Buyer's Name: XXXX XXXXXXXXXX Buyer's Email: Transaction Date: Mar 24, 2006 Your Transaction ID: 6RL38215T0XXXXXXXX Buyer's Transaction ID: 5K563344HY2XXXXXXXX Transaction Amount: -$1,420.00 USD Case #: PP-174-846-XXX Once you have reimbursed us for this transaction, we will return the merchandise to you. Please add funds to your account or send a check to the following address: PayPal - Accounting Department P.O. Box 45950 Omaha, NE 68145-0950 Please respond within 30 days to once we receive your reimbursement on how you would like this merchandise returned to you.. If you have a Fed Ex account you would like billed, please advise us of the account number. Otherwise your PayPal account will be debited for the shipping cost of returning your merchandise to you via Fed Ex Ground shipping. Please be sure to include your street address and phone number for shipment, and note PO Boxes cannot be shipped to. If a reply is not received within 30 days, your rights to your merchandise may be forfeited. Sincerely, PayPal Disputes Department I get a whole 30 days to make my mind up if I want to send them 1420 dollars for an item they claim to have. I asked for pictures and never got any. MY ANSWER Have you determined if the item is in good condition? Have you tested it? Did you make sure all the original parts are there? I already filed a report with IC3 and I listed Paypal as one of the defendants. You let the man file a chargeback before he even sent the item back. This is called fraud and you helped perpetuate it! I have the right to determine if the item is retunable. I also have the right to see my item before I issue any refund. You didnt want to help me at all in the matter, but now you have your hand out looking for money. Why would I have to pay shipping? The item was not even damaged he wanted to return it because he didnt like it. And that was after he painted it. Paypal you need a redesign! Why dont you address my needs and email me for real instead of sending me form letters? Form Message customer subject: Chargeback customer message: Additional Information: 'Ok I had a chargeback on my account for an item I sold on ebay. The guy got the item and then painted it. After he painted it he wanted to return it. I said no. Well after almost 4 months he won the chargeback! How did paypal let a buyer who admitted he got the item and there was nothing wrong with it other then "not liking it" let the customer do a chargeback and win and keep the item! That's right you let him steal it! As far as I know in order to even start a chargeback you have to return the merchandise. Is this not true? Paypal shame on you again for allowing this to happen to a number of people "THOUSANDS"!!! It's call the reverse paypal scam and everyone knows about it. And to think you even charged me to "FIGHT" on my behalf. And all I get is form letters sent to me. I cant even have a real person talk to me about my case, you simply cop and paste your answers and that is SAD so SAD. What happened to EBAY and PAYPAL? Got to big for your own good I guess.'


Ponimaju ::: Favorites
Great video. That's a terrible situation.
07-10-01 01:39:47
LysetteOne ::: Favorites
EXACTLY. 100% correct info. Only use Paypal in accordance with how much you are willing to lose in a reverse chargeback. PayPal and Ebay leave you high and dry and in debt. PayPal will refer you to collection. They reverse the charges and still come to you for the money that they just gave back to the scammer. I hate Ebay. I stopped doing business with them over four years ago. May the stock hit rock bottom.
07-10-01 00:12:18
cappnonymous ::: Favorites
To follow that, on09-28-2007 Vladuz returned & HACKED into a pink ebay employee snoyce account & altered the aboutme page. View the latest cappnonymous video to see that live. Be sure to read the description & follow the links. Folks signed up with ebay need to do whatever need be to protect their data The ebay site seems to be eaten alive with all sorts of hacking phishing hijacking porn-virus listings, you name "IT" & has been MANY months now.
07-09-30 12:53:00
cappnonymous ::: Favorites
In case no one knew it yet there was a major HACK ATTACK upon ebay on 09-25-2007 - 1200 ebay member's personal data, including SS & CC #s were posted on the Trust & Safety bd at ebay. There is a LOT more to it. ebay appears to be deliberately untruthful & ATTEMPTING to cover this massacre & butchery of their data banks all up. Please find your way to my blog or FireMeg - ebaymotorssucks site for the facts & to see the video. Bottom line if u are an ebay member, your data is NOT SAFE. Be aware!
07-09-30 12:46:30
samu123l388 ::: Favorites
Not bad. Try SWEETDATEZ DOT COM for cute webcam girls -samu123l388
07-09-29 18:07:04
Detroit5000 ::: Favorites
GET A LAWYER!!!!!!!!!!
07-09-28 18:50:32
GrandmasterCloaky ::: Favorites
I've had my share of this kind of unfairness with trying to make money online.I believe the real evil behind this kind of thievery is big corporations who have high jacked our rights and democratic freedoms. These problems will not change until this fact as a whole changes.What it comes down to is fight for your rights, make your voice heard or lose what little you still have.
07-09-27 03:57:21
piaranhas ::: Favorites
I feel your pain, ebay member here with 16000+ feedback, I've been using paypal for years, yep I got scammed out of 99 cent from a buyer who stated he didn't recieve the item, I refunded the 99 cents thought that was the end of it, what happens next Paypal froze my account for 30 days because the buyer didn't recieve his 99 cents in a timely manner. I still accept paypal, however I do not keep a balance in the account anymore.
07-09-27 00:27:33
hunterrafael ::: Favorites
ur my hero ! !!
07-09-26 20:09:09
im160bpmplus ::: Favorites
Just dont give up, thats what thier waiting/ hopeing for, and why they have established this generic email system any labyrinth to get in contact. Get in contact with a banking ombudsman, these guys answer you within hrs. Just dont give up hassling them, it seems pointless, i sent letters to the managers.. registered mail someone had to sign for etc. They have compleatly admitted fault before, you have to make them admit it though, dont give them an out..
07-09-26 18:45:23

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