Friday, October 26, 2007

The Sniper of Bagdad

Duration: 08:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-15 10:52:52
User: kotajotun
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The indisputable success of "Juba the sniper" that Mr Taher a Bagdadi young person 21 years underlines it seriously, , "kills only out of inaccurate". "In ambient carnage, explains a friend sociologist, the actions of Juba appear at least in the standard of the wars."


bokken7723 ::: Favorites
I actually checkmated you long ago, now I just like to fuck with you. Prove to you how dumb and unsophisticated you are with your hollow and obviously unchecked information, logic and reasoning....let's keep playing I'm amused!!
07-10-24 22:44:50
bokken7723 ::: Favorites
That being said, by your own criteria, I have won the argument. CHECKMATE BITCH!! Look it up before you scream foul Pussy boy and stop asking questions to things that I have clearly answered. I am not a doctor. Prove to me cancer rates are higher show me the FACTS. Make your argument based on FACTS.
07-10-24 22:21:58
bokken7723 ::: Favorites
Let me give you some advise. You need to back up your statements with facts. You just can't make a statement without a reference to a fact. PUNK!!
07-10-24 22:14:09
bokken7723 ::: Favorites
shells filled with mustard gas, the mustard gas totaling approximately 49 litres and still at high purity, Approximately 500 ml of thiodiglycol ,Some 122 mm chemical warheads ,224.6 kg of expired growth media. We have found botinulm, mustard gas, sarin in al-Hakam and Tuwaitha. A mortar shell the size of a fist that is easily mobile and easily hidden for years or a laboratory vial of sarin toxin about the size of your pinky. Either of which has the capacity to kill thousands.
07-10-24 22:13:11
bokken7723 ::: Favorites
In June of this year(2004), the U.S. Energy Department removed 1.8 tons of enriched uranium from al Tuwaitha. In the next quarterly report, after the Invasion, the total amount of proscribed items destroyed by UNMOVIC in Iraq can be gathered.[50] Those include: 50 deployed Al Samoud 2 missiles, Various equipment, including vehicles, engines and warheads, related to the AS2 missiles, 2 large propellant casting chambers ,14 155 mm
07-10-24 22:12:41
bokken7723 ::: Favorites
May I suggest that you read the Charles Duelfer report to congress Dated 30 March 2004. I will highlight some of the good points for you. Saddam Hussein had an active nuclear weapons development program at the time of the U.S. invasion in March 2003. Most of the recent nuclear research took place at Iraq's notorious al Tuwaitha weapons facility, where Saddam had stockpiled over 500 tons of yellow cake uranium ore since before the first Gulf War
07-10-24 22:11:50
bokken7723 ::: Favorites
What an Idiot do you ever read or check facts before you run your sandnigger mouth. So I lost the argument because you say that no WMD was found after the invasion. So by that same argument if I show you where and when WMD was found then YOU lose the argument...RIGHT!!!!
07-10-24 22:11:06
bigmadbad ::: Favorites
You are an IDIOT! AAAARGH! You still havent answered my point about Iraq cancer cases AND US backed disctatorship. Stop hiding behind the insults that you throw. WTF do "tank commanders and the gunners" have to do with it? Are they having DU fired at them? AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! If you know the score...then GO FIGHT JUBA! "Yes our blood to us is more valuable"...that's definitely a sign of delusion. Just expect another country to spill your blood if you fuck with them then. Simple logic.
07-10-24 09:30:20
bigmadbad ::: Favorites
the weak pathetic Muslims that cant do shit about it are kind of picking you off 1 by 1 aren't they? Holy shit you even worked out a multiplication! So you can pull a trigger AND use numbers. Here was me thinking you could only do the former. You DID get past 9th grade. HOUAAAH! "Now we know we should have sent our women in" what a cowardly remark. Again why dont YOU go and fight? Sending in women is a chickenshit thing for you to say. Pathetic.
07-10-24 09:15:45
bigmadbad ::: Favorites
"it does not matter what was found or not found"...I think you have lost the argument. I was just waiting for you to say that. Sarin , Mustard and Nerve agent found! WHERE? HAHAHAHA! I'm just said WMD found since invasion without proof! Geez you crack me up!
07-10-24 09:12:54

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