Saturday, October 20, 2007

Re: Ron Paul. Revolution?

Duration: 04:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-11 02:23:25
User: UnderseaCaveman
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simple minds see things in binary...just like machines, eh, androids!


tonysshadow ::: Favorites
Semper Fi Caveman. the electric sheep comment didnt go without notice.
07-10-20 02:45:07
UnderseaCaveman ::: Favorites
Semper Fi Tonysshadow, yeah the parallels are sad, but true. It's actually the title of the Book upon which "Blade Runner" was based (kinda of genius of Philip A. Dick, who also wrote "Minority Report" and "Total Recall").
07-10-20 04:15:23
manOhhman ::: Favorites
Yeah awesome response man! most of us Ron paul supporters are all over the place on social issues none of us are alike. I even seen some 911 truthies. I was like wtf you nut jobs get lost... wait you support Ron paul?
07-08-12 22:28:25
UnderseaCaveman ::: Favorites
LOL (".....wait you support Ron Paul?")..
07-08-13 11:28:43
hatsikidope ::: Favorites
Please buy a better mic or a better sound card.
07-08-12 22:24:39
Illexplainl8ter ::: Favorites
very well put! I agree...the Constitution is timeless in my opinion! You cannot evolve inalienable rights. This line of thought that he takes is exactly the line of thought that passes such insanely stupid acts such as the, ahem, Patriot act!
07-08-11 23:17:50
UnderseaCaveman ::: Favorites
Ron and Dennis are good friends.....but they don't have to agree on everything! You should get to know "The Invisible Hand".
07-08-11 19:09:27
KamikazeKoscki ::: Favorites
honest and has been going after the crooks and liars, also Ron Paul is not for Universal Health Care, yet it works well in most other countries, and Ron Paul stated their was nothing wrong with firing honest
07-08-11 05:19:46
KamikazeKoscki ::: Favorites
attorney generals nothing in the constitution states that a president can fire them, but the constitution states equal protection under the laws. The A.G. called up other A.G. throughout the USA and told them to slow down on the case meaning kill the case don't allow the plaintiffs to receive compensation after a jury already awarded them.
07-08-11 05:20:15
ad0stimalgo ::: Favorites
Health care works in countries 1/20 the size of the USA. Also they pay 20% taxes rather than 7-9% we pay. Also, their doctors all earn the same amount, instead we have top doctors. We just need to make medicine and health more accessible to everyone. Getting rid of a income tax would help people pay for healthcare.
07-08-20 21:24:13

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