Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Bainite Video Trailer

Duration: 02:57 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-15 14:17:28
User: kisak
:::: Favorites

Trailer for/parts of a DVD about Howard Clark's L6-blades.

JesusFuckingChrist84 ::: Favorites
yes true, but the PPK is so sharp,it is more prone to chipping. if you have the option of remounting the blade of a cheness, i would do that and they made the channels shallower
07-09-01 00:22:19
xxmtgxx ::: Favorites
I don't know, I have no faith in cheness as of now (even though you posted 3 months ago). The tsukas were brittle and shatter causing horrible accidents then, and still now even after the changes. If only the same grove wasn't so deep they would be the ultimate sword to get for a low budget. I would prefer a PPK to any cheness at this time, if you could spend between 300-500 you get a whole new world of choices.
07-09-01 00:17:31
fergalicousdef ::: Favorites
u fuks think u kno everything jus shut up and enjoy the video! :)
07-08-27 21:37:13
captainmidas ::: Favorites
Careful judgement of temperature ensures a greater concentration of carbides in the martensite and austensite which are formed during the quenching process. The more carbides, the sharper the blade.(The sharper the blade the more brittle the steel)
07-08-22 22:24:54
captainmidas ::: Favorites
The most important aspect of the forging process is -HEAT TREATMENT- in the forging process and the final quenching. While forging, you try to keep the grain structure of the steel from expanding too much. If you overheat the steel, the crystaline structure expands and it will decarburize (lose carbon atoms via scaling) It doesn't matter if you use a power hammer, hydraulic press or ball peen.
07-08-22 22:23:48
JesusFuckingChrist84 ::: Favorites
a lot of what you said is true, but i am getting ready too order a tamahagane blade from this company on ebay, i am happy, will take 2 months for me to get it, but when i get the mony, i will get a full traditional blade...
07-08-09 23:41:02
koanix ::: Favorites
":A sword made by machines has no soul"" TOTAL AND UTTER BS!!!! a machine is more consistend in hamering than any human. its this kind of perfection that a true master wants. after all , if they didnt , the blad would still be straight , without a hamon. and possebly not even folded.
07-08-09 21:15:07
JesusFuckingChrist84 ::: Favorites
where did you get it from? surely not a howard clark katana?
07-08-08 15:39:40
Sasukeamv ::: Favorites
mine cost me $1,800
07-08-08 02:30:13
tetlong ::: Favorites
how much for one of them swords?
07-08-04 19:07:48

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