Tuesday, August 28, 2007

UCLA/USC ESPN commercial

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 06-03-05 18:51:55
User: jamesfrom818
:::: Favorites

UCLA vs. USC antics

livingsmall ::: Favorites
Swweeeet! That's what the trojan gets! USC = University of Second Choice! F SC!
07-08-21 19:31:41
john0707 ::: Favorites
Classic... I went to UCLA and I have friends that went to USC... we all agree it's funny... GO BRUINS!!!
07-08-04 21:36:53
stormswelcome ::: Favorites
Remember, USC stands for the university of spoiled children.
07-07-26 08:48:31
ghd60 ::: Favorites
Spoiled children? I'm an SC alumnus....my parents were blue collar, working class immigrants from Greece and Spain, I did work study, and everything under the Sun for the privilege of studying there. You sound like some discontent who has a chip on his shoulder.
07-07-31 09:35:55
stormswelcome ::: Favorites
It is widely known there are numerous usc students who are spoiled children. You say you are an alumnus, you saw, you certainly weren't oblivious. That should be the least suprising thing to hear someone say that about usc. To address your assumption about having a chip: I have no ties at all to ucla or usc or any Califonia school. There is no "chip". Hopefully you don't have that "chip" since I never in my post said "every person/student that has ever went to usc were spoiled children".
07-08-01 03:04:03
stormswelcome ::: Favorites
By the way, the video was funny. And if it was a kid dressed in ucla garb getting the door shut on him by a guy in usc garb, it still would've been funny!
07-08-01 03:06:16
BradJamesBroncofan ::: Favorites
The "never graduate" caption doesn't appeal to me, primarily because my alma mater sucks in everything athletic. Nevertheless, this commercial was hilarious.
07-07-26 03:20:37
JoeBruin11 ::: Favorites
WOW! So, you're RACIST AND a UC reject then? AWESEOME! The future bodes well for you...
07-07-22 10:40:11
Keirdance ::: Favorites
I think fans of BOTH schools can agree that this video is hilarious. I think it's better than all the other "never graduate" videos. Go Bruins!
07-07-13 11:50:15
sonofnero94 ::: Favorites
07-07-10 19:25:09
jmitchel3 ::: Favorites
07-07-01 21:41:35
JoeBruin11 ::: Favorites
Are you a tr"OJ"an student?
07-07-22 10:51:28
mjmbruin ::: Favorites
i love this video go bruins
07-06-21 16:41:04
JoeBruin11 ::: Favorites
You crack me up, Soda Popinski! =)
07-06-18 13:48:34
Pyrophoric ::: Favorites
wait what the HELL?? am i the only person on this video not arguing about which school is better?
07-06-05 01:37:37
Pyrophoric ::: Favorites
aww, poor kid. all he wanted was some candy
07-06-05 01:36:36
JoeBruin11 ::: Favorites
Believe what you will about my academic background, but I think anyone reading these meaningless comments between us on YouTube (that YOU brought on YOURSELF) would see the difference between our respective intellects. Idiots bore me...law school finals are over! Time to MOVE on! Muah! =)
07-05-23 00:24:23
JoeBruin11 ::: Favorites
Really? JUST about football? Where does it indicate that? Is there ANY reference to that? A football in the commercial? A basketball, a baseball? Badmitton racket? Jai a'lai ball? Your "viewing comprehension" needs a little work there, comrade. It's a GENERAL rivalry commercial (you know, like one you guys have with Auburn, or in your case, your all-too-"friendly" uncle). The fact is, YOU commented first and then got put to SHAME! Stop embarrassing yourself...hahaha
07-05-23 00:18:07
nybatterixx ::: Favorites
since Halloween is in the middle of football season. I am fairly sure it was about football too.
07-05-23 06:48:39
JoeBruin11 ::: Favorites
Really? Is wasn't POSSIBLY about Basketball (or a GENERAL RIVALRY?) for that matter? Aww shucks, since it was in the FALL, it MUST have been about FOOTBALL!!! Couldn't have POSSIBLY been about ANYthing ELSE (like a mutual competition between the 2?) BTW, do you EVEN GO to either one to form an opinion?
07-05-23 08:42:56

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