Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Break My Camera

Duration: 28 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-29 07:49:26
User: nalts
:::: Favorites

I want a new digital camera. But I can't justify it until my archain one breaks. By the way- if you're a manufacturer of a kickass new digital camera feel free to give me a deal. I'll pimp for you.

tripplehelix ::: Favorites
WEEE WEEE WEEE CRASH!!! Oh my Kev what are you doing? How about sending your broken one to a third world contry! But not for charity, no, but for advertisement. You could go on the news and brag about your willvideoforfood website and how your camera that's been so good over these years will be sent to poor people on the other side of the globe.
06-11-29 14:18:49
tripplehelix ::: Favorites
Then you'll get everyone clicking on your ads and you will gain enough money in return to buy a huge movie set and a brand new huge camera! What a good idea eh?
06-11-29 14:19:11
muttwalks ::: Favorites
I rested a camera on the roof of my van while buckling in my toddler. It slid off and got hit by a car or two. This happened on Halloween a few years back, so I had to replace it pdq.
06-11-29 21:35:37
nochum1 ::: Favorites
Love it!!!
06-11-29 21:54:13
billy936 ::: Favorites
06-12-23 02:05:22
nsroach ::: Favorites
07-04-08 00:08:09
BPandTyler ::: Favorites
archiac is old, ancient. arcane is esteemed, not-as-old
07-04-18 16:55:57
HopeYouLikeMe ::: Favorites
gotta love this old nalts videos
07-06-03 16:42:55
akc211 ::: Favorites
Oh that Grant laugh is priceless!!! I absolutely love it!!!
07-06-08 18:19:48
bertiea703 ::: Favorites
There are a ton of sweet camgirls at 'camznow dot com' -bertiea703
07-06-27 09:09:56

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