Sunday, August 12, 2007

6 Literal Days Debunking the Gap Theory

Duration: 1755 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-02 17:38:22
User: MadScience
:::: Favorites
Description: Ken Hamm Debunking the Gap Theory

wordkeeper ::: Favorites
This man is an inspiration to me. Bless you Ken Ham. I'm AnswersinGenesis's number one fan! I'll be the first one at the Museum's opening! Cant wait!!!!!
07-05-02 13:53:49
onesavedall ::: Favorites
That's not what my says... mine says; maw-lay', maw-law' A primitive root, to fill or (intransitively) be full of, in a wide application (literally and figuratively): - accomplish, confirm, + consecrate, be at an end, be expired, be fenced, fill, fulfil, (be, become, X draw, give in, go) fully (-ly, -ly set, tale), [over-] flow, fulness, furnish, gather (selves, together), presume, replenish, satisfy, set, space, take a [hand-] full, + have wholly.
07-05-13 17:31:43
roydannysmith ::: Favorites
presume, replenish, satisfy--The key is the additive of the portion of the word- (RE)-A do over,-From previous actions,in reference to the actions of God in conection to mans place in the world
07-05-14 04:27:55
jnrosemas ::: Favorites
Why is God required to create anything at all? According to the third law of thermodynamics (which has been tested probably more than any other law in science and has never failed a test) matter/energy can neither be created nor destroyed. The quantity of matter/energy remains the same, it simply changes states. The universe has ALWAYS existed and ALWAYS will exist.
07-05-17 14:38:13
zon3d ::: Favorites
Brilliant video! If 'Christians' can't believe the literal 6-day creation, they may as well believe God is a liar.
07-06-03 02:34:30
TheotherPrometheus ::: Favorites
The 3rd LoT states "As temperature approaches absolute zero, the entropy of a system approaches a constant." The 1st LoT states "In any process, the total energy of the universe remains constant."
07-06-11 16:29:09
GEERUP ::: Favorites
a big AMEN ..I believe the literal 6-day creation...thank you for this post..
07-06-30 04:16:23
haydenstag ::: Favorites
The biggest problem creationist face is the speed of light. If the earth is only 6-10k years old, you have the problem of seeing star light from star systems that are 2.2 million light years or greater away (meaning it took 2.2 million years to reach our eyes). Unless you are a crazy that believes the C-decay, which creates more problems than it solves.
07-07-20 17:57:41
MadScience ::: Favorites
Speed of light has already been covered here. Google it, the speed of light has been slowed down aswell as sped up in a Laboratory. Once that happened any speed of light arguments are invalid, due to it not being a constant. If it can be slowed down or sped up it's no longer a constant.
07-07-20 18:09:32
MadScience ::: Favorites
Sorry just noticed that The speed of light argument hasn't taken place on this particular video as of yet. Had another video in mind. However, the reasoning is still the same. God Bless,
07-07-20 18:11:50

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